Anne of the Island
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Anne of the Island

Lucy Maud Montgomery

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Anne of the Island

Lucy Maud Montgomery

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À propos de ce livre

Anne of the Island - Lucy Maud Montgomery - Anne of the Island is the third book in the Anne of Green Gables series, written by Lucy Maud Montgomery about Anne Shirley. Anne Of the Island is the third book of the eight-book sequels written by L. M. Montgomery, about Anne Shirley and her friends. In the book, Anne leaves Green Gables for the first time to go the Redmond College to get a bachelor's degree in art at the age of 18.The book was published in 1915 after the two books that made a breakthrough in history. On top of that, Anne's growth is reflected in the book's title. She finds herself recognizing Prince Edward Island as her true home when studying away from the Island, particularly when visiting the site where she was born. She has stated several times that she is not a "Bluenose", as individuals born in Nova Scotia are known and that she is a true Islander.Anne of the Island was published in 1915, seven years after the bestselling Anne of Green Gables. In the continuing story of Anne Shirley, Anne attends Redmond College in Kingsport, where she is studying for her BA.Plot summary - Anne Shirley is looking forward to new adventures as she packs her stuff, bids farewell to childhood, and prepares to enroll at Redmond College. Anne nestles her memories of rural Avonlea aside and experiences life on her own terms, full of surprises... such as a marriage proposal from the worst guy she's ever met, the sale of her first tale, and a tragedy that teaches her a harsh lesson. Anne tucks away her memories of idyllic Avonlea and discovers the life waiting for her in the bustling metropolis of Kingsport, with her old friend Prissy Grant waiting for her and her frivolous new friend Philippa Gordon by her side.In addition, Anne submits a short piece to numerous periodicals, but it is rejected, and she swears she will never write again. Worse news arrives when she returns to Avonlea and discovers that Ruby, her consumptive pal, is dying. While Ruby is sick, Anne stays with her and is persuaded to keep writing by Ruby's guidance. Anne leaves Green Gables and her work as a teacher in Avonlea to pursue her original dream (which she gave up in Anne of Green Gables) of taking further education at Redmond College in Kingsport, Nova Scotia. Gilbert Blythe and Charlie Sloane enroll as well, as does Anne's friend from Queen's Academy, Priscilla Grant. During her first week of school, Anne befriends Philippa Gordon, a beautiful girl whose frivolous ways charm her. Philippa (Phil for short) also happens to be from Anne's birthplace in Bolingbroke, Nova Scotia.

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