Internationalization and Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: Quality and Innovation
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Internationalization and Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: Quality and Innovation

Sarah Khan, Àngels Pinyana Garriga, Àngel Raluy Alonso

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  1. 174 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF
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Internationalization and Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: Quality and Innovation

Sarah Khan, Àngels Pinyana Garriga, Àngel Raluy Alonso

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À propos de ce livre

This volume contributes to the construction and definition of comprehensive and sustainable internationalization and emphasizes the need for interdisciplinary, transversal and hybrid learning. The majority of contributions have emerged from the Spanish higher education context, but the topics addressed are believed to resonate worldwide with higher education institutions, professional practice and 21st century society. In the first part of the book, the chapter contributions shed light on systemic, conceptual or programme features related to internationalization and global and intercultural competence in higher education. In the second part the authors present concrete teaching experiences of internationalization and intercultural competence and highlight different questions related to interdisciplinary work, digitalization, collaborative online international learning (COIL) and project learning. By embedding COIL within and across course programmes, participants who would otherwise be unable to take part in international exchanges are included. This respect for diversity, as well as active and reflective engagement in international communication with an emphasis on students' own experiences are fundamental elements of this pedagogical approach. The book concludes by advocating sustainable internationalization through an interdisciplinary approach to intercultural competence training which is integrated into the curriculum.

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Table des matiĂšres