Sport Marketing
eBook - ePub

Sport Marketing

Windy Dees, Patrick Walsh, Chad D. McEvoy, Stephen McKelvey, Bernard J. Mullin, Stephen Hardy, William A. Sutton

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  1. 488 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Sport Marketing

Windy Dees, Patrick Walsh, Chad D. McEvoy, Stephen McKelvey, Bernard J. Mullin, Stephen Hardy, William A. Sutton

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À propos de ce livre

Sport marketing is more accessible than ever, with sport business professionals, companies, the media, athletes, teams, coaches, and fans connecting in new ways and with new experiences. Sport Marketing, Fifth Edition With HKPropel Access, presents a modernized, current-day approach to the dynamic industry of sport marketing. A full-color presentation brings this vibrant field to life with comprehensive coverage—balanced between theoretical and practical—to provide an understanding of the foundations of sport marketing and how to enhance the sport experience. Building on the legacy that Bernard Mullin, Stephen Hardy, and William Sutton established in the first four editions, a new author team, handpicked by their predecessors, draw from their modern experience in the field to add a fresh perspective to this essential text. They bring the sport industry directly to the reader through extensive industry examples, interviews of top sports executives, challenging case studies, and global perspectives from teams, leagues, and other agencies around the world. Reflecting the evolving landscape of sport marketing, the text will prepare students to stay on the leading edge with the following updates:

  • A focus on current and emerging technologies and how they have revolutionized the sport industry—ranging from mobile video streaming and fantasy sports to artificial intelligence and virtual reality
  • Greater emphasis on data and analytics to make more informed business decisions
  • In-depth examination of how social media and digital platforms serve as critical communication channels to drive sport marketing strategy and execution
  • New content on target marketing, including understanding millennial sports fans and engaging with Generation Z
  • Updated coverage of sales processes, addressing both traditional methods and new strategies for the mobile age
  • Discussion of modern ticketing practices and the secondary ticket market, including how leagues partner with secondary ticket providers and the impact on pricing strategies

Also new to the fifth edition are related online learning aids, now delivered through HK Propel, designed to engage students and test comprehension of the material. Exclusive video interviews with sport industry leaders offer insights into how they incorporate marketing strategies into their daily work. Discussion questions and activities for each chapter guide students to apply core concepts, and web search activities provide opportunities for students to compare strategies found on sport organization websites and other online locations. In addition, chapter objectives, an opening scenario, sidebars highlighting key concepts, and Wrap-Up, Activities, and Your Marketing Plan sections at the ends of chapters offer students additional learning tools as they explore how fans, players, coaches, the media, and companies interact to drive the sport industry. With Sport Marketing, Fifth Edition With HKPropel Access, students will develop valuable marketing skills and prepare for a successful career in the competitive world of sport marketing. Note: A code for accessing HK Propel is not included with this ebook but may be purchased separately.

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Human Kinetics

Table des matiĂšres