An Introduction to the Study of Luke-Acts
eBook - PDF

An Introduction to the Study of Luke-Acts

V. George Shillington

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  1. 208 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

An Introduction to the Study of Luke-Acts

V. George Shillington

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À propos de ce livre

V. George Shillington introduces readers to the text, texture and context of Luke-Acts in this tried and tested introduction, now in its second edition. Using various approaches currently practiced by biblical scholars Shillington outlines the methods of biblical interpretation and then shows how they might be applied to the texts in question. Through historical criticism Shillington looks at and explains questions of authorship, the time and setting of the composition, sources and historical background. Taking a social-science approach he examines the society and culture of the time. Literary readings include narrative, socio-rhetorical, and audience-response approaches, while a theological reading asks how the literary texture and themes of Luke-Acts shape the convictions of Christian communities, past and present. Incorporating modern approaches in the field, Shillington looks at postcolonial and feminist criticism and how they have changed our understanding of these books. Each chapter concludes with a list of further relevant resources, and pertinent review questions. The text is accompanied by charts and diagrams to illustrate key points of language and structure.

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