Biography Between Structure and Agency
eBook - PDF

Biography Between Structure and Agency

Central European Lives in International Historiography

Volker Berghahn, Simone LĂ€ssig, Volker Berghahn, Simone LĂ€ssig

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  1. 288 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

Biography Between Structure and Agency

Central European Lives in International Historiography

Volker Berghahn, Simone LĂ€ssig, Volker Berghahn, Simone LĂ€ssig

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À propos de ce livre

While bookstore shelves around the world have never ceased to display best-selling "life-and-letters" biographies in prominent positions, the genre became less popular among academic historians during the Cold War decades. Their main concern then was with political and socioeconomic structures, institutions, and organizations, or—more recently—with the daily lives of ordinary people and small communities. The contributors to this volume—all well known senior historians—offer self-critical reflections on problems they encountered when writing biographies themselves. Some of them also deal with topics specific to Central Europe, such as the challenges of writing about the lives of both victims and perpetrators. Although the volume concentrates on European historiography, its strong methodological and conceptual focus will be of great interest to non-European historians wrestling with the old "structure-versus-agency" question in their own work.

Contributors: Volker R. Berghahn, Hartmut Berghoff, Hilary Earl, Jan Eckel, Willem Frijhoff, Ian Kershaw, Simone LĂ€ssig, Karl Heinrich Pohl, John C. G. Röhl, Angelika Schaser, Joachim Radkau, Cornelia Rauh-KĂŒhne, Mark Roseman, Christoph Strupp and Michael Wildt.

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Berghahn Books

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