Access to Microfinance and Financial Training for Innovative Urban Sustainability
eBook - PDF

Access to Microfinance and Financial Training for Innovative Urban Sustainability

Collective Investments at the Bottom of t

Musau Mutisya

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  1. 270 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

Access to Microfinance and Financial Training for Innovative Urban Sustainability

Collective Investments at the Bottom of t

Musau Mutisya

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À propos de ce livre

The Kenyan population is highly concentrated in urban centres, leading to increased social, economic and environmental strains, with a significant percentage of urban dwellers living in sprawling slums. Urban development is increasingly a major focus, especially in the fight against urban sustainability problems. There is little practical orientation in the academic literature for the growing gap between the rich and poor. Current literature is enormously concerned with resource use and environmental pressures, paying scant attention to the nexus between urban sustainability and empowerment of the urban poor. This book initiates debates on the segment of urban population often referred to as the bottom of the pyramid (BOP), by analysing the microfinance innovation following evaluation of the impacts of access to microfinance and financial training and the implications to urban sustainability in Kenya. The main conclusion reached is that microfinance has an instrumental role to play in promoting sustainable urban development as it supports social welfare improvement and increases the livelihood of participants, business development and urban sustainability to a certain extent, thereby empowering the urban poor in contributing to poverty alleviation.

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