Five Views on Law and Gospel
eBook - ePub

Five Views on Law and Gospel

Greg L. Bahnsen, Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Douglas J. Moo, Wayne G. Strickland, Willem A. VanGemeren, Stanley N. Gundry

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  1. 416 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Five Views on Law and Gospel

Greg L. Bahnsen, Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Douglas J. Moo, Wayne G. Strickland, Willem A. VanGemeren, Stanley N. Gundry

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

An introduction to a complex theological issue that impacts our daily lives as believers in Christ: What is the relevance of the Old Testament Law to our understanding of the Gospel and how it should be lived?

This book explores five major approaches to this important biblical topic as they've developed in Protestant circles:

  • Non-Theonomic Reformed View – the law is the perfection of righteousness in Jesus Christ.
  • Theonomic Reformed View – the goodness of the law is dependent on how it's used and does not offer a way to salvation. Heavily focused on Paul's discussion of the Law.
  • Law as "Gracious Guidance" View – emphasizes the contrasts between the Mosaic law and the Gospel of grace, while still asserting the Law's value.
  • Dispensational View – approaches the Law from a historical perspective to help us understand its presentation, treatment, and recipients.
  • Modified Lutheran View – the Law of Christ as the fulfillment of the Law of Moses.

This book allows each contributor to not only present the case for his view, but also to critique and respond to the critiques of the other contributors, allowing you to compare their beliefs in an open forum setting to see where they overlap and where they differ.

The Counterpoints series presents a comparison and critique of scholarly views on topics important to Christians that are both fair-minded and respectful of the biblical text. Each volume is a one-stop reference that allows readers to evaluate the different positions on a specific issue and form their own, educated opinion.

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Table des matiĂšres