Institutional Governance and Regulation of Water Services
eBook - PDF

Institutional Governance and Regulation of Water Services

Michael J. Rouse

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  2. English
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eBook - PDF

Institutional Governance and Regulation of Water Services

Michael J. Rouse

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À propos de ce livre

Institutional Governance and Regulation of Water Servicesaims to provide the key elements of policy, governance and regulation necessary for sustainable water and sanitation services. On policy matters, it covers important aspects including separation of policy and delivery, integrated planning, sustainable cost recovery, provisions for the poor, and transparency. Regulation and Regulatory Bodies are presented in their various forms, with discussion of why some form of independent scrutiny is essential for sustainability. The focus is on what works and what does not, based on consideration of basic principles and on case studies in both developing and developed countries.
The early chapters discuss the key elements, with later chapters considering how these elements have come together in successful reforms of public sector operations. A chapter is devoted to the successful use of the private sector based on lessons learnt from 'failures' of private contracts and the need for the application of sound procurement principles. The current trend is for a public sector model which benefits from business approaches, the so-called corporatised public utility. Experience since the publication of the first edition in 2007 reinforces the importance of the key elements for sustainable water services.
This second edition brings the material up to date and with some increased emphasis on public participation in its many forms. It refers to the opportunity for progress provided by the UN Declaration of Water and Sanitation as a Human Right, but only if it is implemented in a practical and sustainable way. Institutional Governance and Regulation of Water Services is aimed at providing an informative source for national and local governments responsible for water policy, for water utility managers, and for students who will be the policy makers of tomorrow. It is a teaching aid for courses on water policy, governance and regulation.
About the Author: Michael Rouse is a Distinguished Research Associate at the University of Oxford and manages the Institutional Governance and Regulation module of the University's MSc Course on Water Science, Policy and Management. He was formerly Head of the Drinking Water Inspectorate in London and has extensive knowledge and experience of water governance and regulation, including all aspects of audit and enforcement, and the governance issues related to both public sector management and privatisation. He has wide knowledge of water technical and operational matters, based on his applied research and development background at the Water Research Centre, where he spent 9 years as Managing Director. Michael has a good understanding of international water matters and advises governments on policy and regulation. He is a Past President of the International Water Association. He is a visiting professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing and at the Shanghai Academy of Social Science. In 2000 he was awarded the CBE (Commander of the British Empire) for his professional services.

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