MySQL 8 Administrator's Guide
eBook - ePub

MySQL 8 Administrator's Guide

Chintan Mehta, Ankit K Bhavsar, Hetal Oza, Subhash Shah

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  1. 510 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

MySQL 8 Administrator's Guide

Chintan Mehta, Ankit K Bhavsar, Hetal Oza, Subhash Shah

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À propos de ce livre

Step by step guide to monitor, manage, and secure your database engine

Key Features

  • Your companion to master all the administration-related tasks in MySQL 8
  • Ensure high performance and high availability of your MySQL solution using effective replication and backup techniques
  • A comprehensive guide to performing query optimization, security and a whole host of other administrative tasks in MySQL 8

Book Description

MySQL is one of the most popular and widely used relational databases in the world today. The recently released version 8.0 brings along some major advancements in the way your MySQL solution can be administered. This handbook will be your companion to understand the newly introduced features in MySQL and how you can leverage them to design a high-performance MySQL solution for your organization.

This book starts with a brief introduction to the newly introduced features in MySQL 8, followed by quickly jumping onto the crucial administration topics that you will find useful in your day to day work. Topics such as migrating to MySQL 8, MySQL benchmarking, achieving high performance by implementing the indexing techniques, and optimizing your queries are covered in this book. You will also learn how to perform replication, scale your MySQL solution and implement effective security techniques. A special section on the common and not so common troubleshooting techniques for effective MySQL administration is also covered in this book.

By the end of this highly practical book, you will have all the knowledge you need to tackle any problem you might encounter while administering your MySQL solution.

What you will learn

  • Understanding different MySQL 8 data types based on type of contents and storage requirements
  • Best practices for optimal use of features in MySQL 8
  • Explore globalization configuration and caching techniques to improve performance
  • Create custom storage engine as per system requirements
  • Learn various ways of index implementation for flash memory storages
  • Configure and implement replication along with approaches to use replication as solution
  • Understand how to make your MySQL 8 solution highly available
  • Troubleshoot common issues and identify error codes while using MySQL 8

Who this book is for

This book is intended for MySQL administrators who are looking for a handy guide covering all the MySQL administration-related tasks. If you are a DBA looking to get started with MySQL administration, this book will also help you. Knowledge of the basic database concepts is required to get started with this book.

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About the authors

Chintan Mehta is a cofounder of KNOWARTH Technologies ( and heads cloud/RIMS/DevOps. He has rich, progressive experience in server administration of Linux, AWS cloud, DevOps, RIMS, and open source technologies. He is an AWS Certified Solutions Architect.
He has authored MySQL 8 for Big Data and Hadoop Backup and Recovery Solutions, and has reviewed Liferay Portal Performance Best Practices and Building Serverless Web Applications.
I would like to thank my coauthors. I would especially like to thank my wonderful wife, Mittal, and my sweet son, Devam, for putting up with the long days, nights, and weekends when I was camping in front of my laptop. Last but not least, I want to thank my mom, dad, friends, family, and colleagues for supporting me throughout.
Ankit Bhavsar is a senior consultant leading a team working on ERP solutions at KNOWARTH Technologies. He received an MCA from North Gujarat university. He has had dynamic roles in the development and maintenance of ERP solutions and astrology portals Content Management that including OOP, technical architecture analysis, design, development as well as database design, development and enhancement process, data and object modeling, in order to provide technical and business solutions to clients.
First, I would like to thank the coauthors, reviewers, the wonderful team at PacktPub, and Aaryaman for this effort. I would especially like to thank my wonderful wife, Avani, for putting up with the long days, nights, and weekends. Last, but not least, I want to thank my mom, dad, friends, family, and colleagues for supporting me throughout the writing of this book.
Hetal Oza an MCA from a reputable institute of India, is working as a lead consultant at KNOWARTH Technologies. She has rich experience in Java-based systems with various databases. Her 10 years of...

Table des matiĂšres