Berlitz Pocket Guide Amsterdam
eBook - ePub

Berlitz Pocket Guide Amsterdam

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eBook - ePub

Berlitz Pocket Guide Amsterdam

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À propos de ce livre

Berlitz Pocket Guide Amsterdam

A city for romantics, art enthusiasts, and lovers of caf� culture, Amsterdam is a compelling city that is simply a joy to explore.From its picturesque waterways, to its fascinating cultural history, Amsterdam has much to tempt the visitor. Berlitz Pocket Guide Amsterdam is a concise, full-colour travel guide that combines lively text with vivid photography to highlight the best that the city has to offer.

Inside Amsterdam Pocket Guide:

� Where To Go details all the key sights in the city, from the Rembrandt House Museum, to Dam Square, to the Heineken Experience, while handy maps on the cover flaps help you find your way around, and are cross-referenced to the text.

� Top 10 Attractions gives a run-down of the best sights to take in on your trip.

� Perfect Tour provides an itinerary of the city.

� What To Do is a snapshot of ways to spend your time in Amsterdam, from visiting the Anne Frank House, to relaxing in Vondelpark, to soaking up the caf� culture.

� Essential information on Amsterdam's culture, including a brief history of the country.

� Eating Out covers the city's best cuisine.

� Curated listings of the best hotels and restaurants.

� A-Z of all the practical information you'll need.

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Berlitz Travel
Amsterdam’s Top 10 Attractions
Top Attraction #1
The Dam
This square is the symbolic heart of the city and home to the ornate Koninklijk Paleis. For more information, click here.
Top Attraction #2
Getty Images
Oude Kerk
Dating from the early 13th century, it is the oldest church in the city. For more information, click here.
Top Attraction #3
Getty Images
Anne Frank House
Visit the house in which she wrote her extraordinary diary. For more information, click here.
Top Attraction #4
Getty Images
Find peace and quiet in the picturesque courtyard, notable for its quaint architecture. For more information, click here.
Top Attraction #5
A canal cruise
A leisurely way to see the sights. For more information, click here.
Top Attraction #6
Vincent van Gogh Foundation
Van Gogh Museum
Houses a collection of hundreds of the troubled artist’s works. For more information, click here.
Top Attraction #7
Getty Images
Colourful flowers on display all year round. For more information, click here.
Top Attraction #8
Greg Gladman/Apa ...

Table des matiĂšres