Berlitz: London Pocket Guide
eBook - ePub

Berlitz: London Pocket Guide

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eBook - ePub

Berlitz: London Pocket Guide

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À propos de ce livre

One of the most exciting and dynamic world cities, London is an extraordinary megalopolis, packed with both historic and cutting-edge attractions. This concise, full-colour guide has been fully updated by our expert author and tells you everything you need to know about the city's best places to visit, from buzzy Soho and the South Bank's theatrical landmarks to Kensington's great museums and the Tower of London. It is packed with beautiful pictures and handy maps help you find your way around.
The guide is full of ideas for enjoying this powerhouse capital city, with our 10 top attractions in London followed by an itinerary for a Perfect Day in the city, as well as the lowdown on shopping, entertainment and nightlife, sports, and activities for children. You'll get the essential background on London's culture as well as carefully chosen listings of the best hotels and restaurants and an A-Z of all the practical information you'll need.

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Berlitz Travel
London’s Top 10 Attractions
Top Attraction #1
Lydia Evans/Apa Publications
Tower of London. Where many a historic head has rolled. For more information, click here.
Top Attraction #2
Lydia Evans/Apa Publications
Harrods. London’s most famous corner shop, known for its exquisite Art Nouveau food hall. For more information, click here.
Top Attraction #3
Ming Tang-Evans/Apa Publications
Tate Modern. Feted for its architecture and its excellent collection of modern and contemporary art. For more information, click here
Top Attraction #4
Lydia Evans/Apa Publications
Big Ben. The clocktower (officially now the Queen Elizabeth Tower) dominates the Palace of Westminster, home of the Parliament. For more information, click here.
Top Attraction #5
Lydia Evans/Apa Publications
National Gallery. Located in Trafalgar Square, it houses Britain’s finest collection of European art. For more information, click here.
Top Attraction #6
Ming Tang-Evans/Apa Publications
The British Museum. Situated in Bloomsbury, it houses artefacts from antiquity to the present. For more information, click here.
Top Attraction #7
Lydia Evans/Apa Publications
Covent Garden. Named after its market, it’s a lively area for shopping and street performance. For more information, click here.
Top Attractio...

Table des matiĂšres