Insight Guides Peru
eBook - ePub

Insight Guides Peru

Insight Guides

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eBook - ePub

Insight Guides Peru

Insight Guides

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À propos de ce livre

Inca ruins, Amazon jungle and fascinating tribal customs make Peru a top destination for travellers interested in landscape and culture, as well adventure sports enthusiasts. This new edition of Insight Guide Peru is a comprehensive, full-colour travel guide packed with inspiration and information. From national parks and natural wonders to unique cultural experiences, the Best of Peru has it covered. Lively features on Peru's history and culture provide an in-depth introduction to what makes the country unique, while stunning photography captures its people, landscape and wildlife.Detailed full-colour maps help you get around, while the travel tips section is packed with useful information on transport, climate, festivals and outdoor activities, and provides answers to such questions as when to go, where to stay and what to budget for your trip.

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Understanding the Language
Understanding a little Spanish will help you get the most out of your stay in Peru. There are a few local variations of the European Spanish (castellano) familiar to many. An expression you will hear everywhere, and which is difficult to translate, is no más. Siga no más for example, means “Go ahead.” Come no más means “Just eat it (It’ll get cold/it’s nicer than it looks, etc).” You will soon get the hang of it. There are also slight differences between the Spanish spoken along the coast, in the Andes, and in the Amazon region. However, Spanish spoken in Peru is for the most part quite clearly spoken, making this an excellent country to learn the language.
In the Andes, most indígenas speak Spanish, but you will hear Quechua (also spelled Kechwa) words that have crept into the language: wambras translates as “adolescents,” and cuy means “guinea pig.” Another indigenous language, Aymara, is spoken around Lake Titicaca.
Berlitz publishes an excellent Latin American Spanish Phrase Book and Dictionary, containing vocabulary and phrases for every situation.
It would be impossible for us to give a complete language guide here, b...

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