Insight Guides Netherlands
eBook - ePub

Insight Guides Netherlands

Insight Guides

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eBook - ePub

Insight Guides Netherlands

Insight Guides

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À propos de ce livre

The Netherlands packs many delights into its small size and its icons - from tulips and windmills to clogs and canals - are only the beginning. Be inspired to visit by the new edition of Insight Guide Netherlands, a comprehensive full-colour guide to this multilayered and quirky country, where great art, pastoral pleasures and cosmopolitan caf life meet.

Inside Insight Guide Netherlands:

A fully-overhauled major new edition by our expert Netherlands author.
Stunning, specially-commissioned photography that brings this fascinating country and its people to life.
Highlights of the country's top attractions, including the art treasures of the Rijksmuseum and the picture-perfect small towns of Edam and Delft.
Descriptive region-by-region accounts cover the whole country from the perennial favourite of Amsterdam to the sandy beaches in the country's north.
Detailed, high-quality maps throughout will help you get around and travel tips give you all the essential information for planning a memorable trip.

Insight Guide Netherlands now includes the Walking Eye app, free to download to smartphones and tablets on purchase of the book. The Netherlands app includes our independent selection of the best hotels and restaurants, plus activity, event and shopping listings.

About Insight Guides: Insight Guides has over 40 years' experience of publishing high-quality, visual travel guides. We produce around 400 full-colour print guide books and maps as well as picture-packed eBooks to meet different travellers' needs. Insight Guides' unique combination of beautiful travel photography and focus on history and culture together create a unique visual reference and planning tool to inspire your next adventure.

'Insight Guides has spawned many imitators but is still the best of its type.' - Wanderlust Magazine

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Understanding the Language
Dutch pronunciation
Eavesdropping on any Dutch conversation, you could be forgiven for thinking that Dutch people constantly need to clear their throat! This Germanic language regularly uses a guttural consonant similar to the ‘ch’ in the Scottish word ‘loch’. In Dutch terms this is known as the ‘soft g’, although the ‘hard g’ sounds almost the same – if you look at Dutch words that begin with a ‘g’, then you can reasonably assume the word starts with that infamous ‘ch’”. If you wish to greet someone with a goedemorgen (good morning); pronouncing the first or second ‘g’ without the ‘ch’ sound will identify you as German. Don’t worry about being wrongly identified though; any attempt you may make at speaking Dutch will be received as a compliment. To this end, here are a few tips on Dutch pronunciation:
As a rule, the ‘hard consonants’ such as t, k, s and p are pronounced almost the same as in English, but so...

Table des matiĂšres