Insight Guides India
eBook - ePub

Insight Guides India

Insight Guides

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eBook - ePub

Insight Guides India

Insight Guides

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À propos de ce livre

India is like nowhere else on earth - thrilling, frustrating and incredibly diverse. Be inspired to visit by the new edition of Insight Guide India, a comprehensive full-colour guide to this fascinating country.

Inside Insight Guide India:
A thoroughly updated new edition by our expert authors.
Stunning photography brings this most colourful of countries and its people to life.
Highlights of the country's top attractions, including the iconic monument of the Taj Mahal, the desert citadel of Jaisalmer and evocative ruins at Hampi.
Descriptive region-by-region accounts cover the whole country from the bright lights of Delhi and Mumbai to the green backwaters of Kerala and the cool heights of the Himalayas.
Detailed, high-quality maps throughout will help you get around and travel tips give you all the essential information for planning a memorable trip.

About Insight Guides: Insight Guides has over 40 years' experience of publishing high-quality, visual travel guides. We produce around 400 full-colour print guide books and maps as well as picture-packed eBooks to meet different travellers' needs. Insight Guides' unique combination of beautiful travel photography and focus on history and culture together create a unique visual reference and planning tool to inspire your next adventure.

'Insight Guides has spawned many imitators but is still the best of its type.' - Wanderlust Magazine

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Understanding the Language
With 18 official languages, hundreds of others and countless dialects, India can present a linguistic minefield. Luckily for the traveller, English is often understood, and it is usually possible to get by in all but remote, rural locations. However, attempts to speak the local language are always appreciated. The language most widely spoken in the North is Hindi, while in the South, Tamil is spoken in Tamil Nadu, Malayali in Kerala, Kanad in Karnataka and Marathi in Maharashtra.
Attempts to speak the local language are, however, always appreciated. The language most widely spoken in the North is Hindi, while in the South, Tamil has the highest profile.
Indian languages are phonetically regular, based on syllables rather than an alphabet. Important differences are made between long and short vowels, and reteroflex, palatal and labial consonants – listen hard to get a feel for the vocabulary below. There are various systems of transliteration, and you may see many of the words below spelt different ways in English. Where a consonant is followed by ‘h’ this is an aspirated sound, ‘c’ is usually p...

Table des matiĂšres