Berlitz: Malaysia Pocket Guide
eBook - ePub

Berlitz: Malaysia Pocket Guide

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eBook - ePub

Berlitz: Malaysia Pocket Guide

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À propos de ce livre

Berlitz Pocket Guide Malaysia is a concise, full-colour travel guide that combines lively text with vivid photography to highlight the very best that this diverse country has to offer.

The Where To Go chapter details all the key sights on a tour of both Peninsular Malaysia and Malaysia Borneo, from the dazzling architecture of Kuala Lumpur and the World Heritage Sites of Georgetown and Melaka, to the natural splendours of Mount Kinabalu and the world's largest orangutan sanctuary in Sabah. Handy maps on the cover help you to get around with ease.

To inspire you, the book offers a rundown of the Top 10 Attractions in Malaysia, followed by an itinerary for a Perfect Tour of the country. The What to Do chapter is a snapshot of ways to spend your spare time, from shopping and sports to traditonal Malay dance and theatre.

You'll also be armed with background information, including a brief history of the country and an Eating Out chapter covering its mouth-watering cuisine. There are carefully chosen listings of the best hotels and restaurants, and an A-Z to give you all the practical information you will need
Malaysia's diverse wildlife, tropical beaches and dynamic capital city of Kuala Lumpur are attracting more and more visitors each year, with a record number of 24.7 million tourists in 2011 (Tourism Malaysia).

Berlitz Pocket Guide Malaysia is the ideal handy guide to this diverse and fascinating country, combining concise information on where to go and what to do with great photography and full-colour, fold-out maps.

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Berlitz Travel

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