The Rough Guide to Tanzania
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The Rough Guide to Tanzania

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  1. 592 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Uniquement disponible sur le Web
eBook - PDF
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The Rough Guide to Tanzania

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À propos de ce livre

Make the most of your time on Earthℱ with The Rough Guide to Tanzania.

The Rough Guide to Tanzania is the definitive guide to one of Africa's most beautiful destinations, with clear maps and detailed coverage of all the best attractions from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to the exotic Indian Ocean beaches of Zanzibar. You'll also find an in-depth and full-colour guide to Tanzania's spectacular wildlife and national parks, and the most accurate map of the magically labyrinthine Stone Town based on satellite imagery. From Tanzania's volcanic landscapes of Ngorongoro Crater to arranging a Serengeti safari, the guide includes practical information on getting there and around, plus reviews of the best Tanzanian hotels, restaurants, bars and shopping for all budgets. You'll find introductory sections on Tanzania's cultural customs, health, food, drink and outdoor activities as well as specialist Tanzanian tour operators and an introduction to learning Kiswahili. Rely on expert background information on everything from bull-fighting in Pemba through to the mosaic of ethnic groups in Tanzania. Explore all corners of this fascinating country with the clearest maps of any guide.

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Rough Guides

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