You Did What?
eBook - ePub

You Did What?

Bill Fawcett

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  1. 304 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

You Did What?

Bill Fawcett

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À propos de ce livre

History has never been more fun than it is in this fact-filled compendium of historical fiascoes and embarrassingly bad ideas. Throughout history, the rich and powerful, and even just the dim-witted, have made horrifically bad decisions that have had resounding effects on our world. From kings to corporate leaders, from captains to presidents, no one is immune to bad decisions and their lasting legacy. The fiascoes that litter our history are innumerable... and fascinating in their foolishness. This witty collection of historical mayhem chronicles unwise decisions from ancient Greece to modern-day Hollywood and everything in between. Learn such lessons as: Never trust Greeks bearing gifts of large wooden horses., Avoid building elementary schools on toxic waste dumps, even those with sweet monikers like Love Canal., Rabbits multiply like rabbits Down Under., Even if you use brightly colored paint on the boats, it's quite easy to misplace an entire country's navy.. With more than forty-five chapters of mind-boggling flubs and follies, fans of history, trivia, and those who just want a good laugh will adore this intriguing and fun read.

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World History

Searchable Terms

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Alexander I, Tsar of Russia
Allder-Wright, C. R.
American Medical Association
American Revolution
Amin, Idi
Anne of Cleves
Antietam, McClellan’s fatal caution at
Arnold, Benedict
aspirin, heroin seen as superior to
Atilla the Hun
Atlee, Clement
Austin, Thomas, ill-advised rabbit scheme of
Australian Radiation Laboratory
Bakocz, Thomas
Banda, Hastings
barbarians, Roman hiring of
Batchelor, Alan
Bayer Company, heroin developed by
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Begelman, David, fraudulence of
birth defects
Bokassa, Emperor
Boleyn, Anne
Bond, James
Boston Red Sox
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Boxer Rebellion
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Brown, Edmund G. “Pat,” opponent unwisely chosen by
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Butterfield, Alexander
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California gubernatorial election (1966)
Cape Times
Carson, Kit
Carter, Jimmy
failed rescue attempt by
Caruso, David
Casino Royale (Fleming)
Catherine of Aragon
Catus Decianus
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), phantom epidemics of
Charles V, King of Spain
Chessman, Caryl
Chobe National Park
Christopher, George
Churchill, Clementine
Churchill, Winston
misguided naval appointment by
Church of England, establishment of
Cimino, Michael
Civil War, U.S.:
Battle of Antietam in bushwhackers in first submarine in
Cline, Dick
Cline, Isaac, Galveston disaster and
Coca-Cola USA, marketing blunder of
Columbia Pictures
Columbus, Christopher
Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP)
Communist Party
Confederacy of Dunces, A (O’Toole)
Creative Management Associates
Crisis Management: Planning for the Inevitable (Fink)
Cromwell, Thomas
Cuba, rebellion in
Davout, Louis-Nicholas, Napoleon’s bypass of
Dean, John
Deer Hunter
de Joncaire, Philippe Thomas
Democratic National Committee
Dinwiddie, Robert
Disney, Walt
Donenfeld, Harry
Doyle, Arthur Conan, literary bonanza abandoned by
Dozsa, Gyorgy
Dreser, Heinrich, pharmaceutical wrong turn of
Ehrlichman, John
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Ellsberg, Daniel
Enrico, Roger
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Erasmus, Desiderius
Eugenius II, Pope
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (Mackay)

Table des matiĂšres