Violent Politics
eBook - ePub

Violent Politics

William R. Polk

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  1. 304 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Violent Politics

William R. Polk

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

In the current Middle East, insurgency tactics are used with frequency and increasing success. But guerrilla war-fare is not just the tool of modern-day terrorists. Its roots stretch back to our very own revolution.

In Violent Politics, William Polk takes us on a concise, brilliant tour of insurgencies throughout history, starting with the American struggle for independence, when fighters had to battle against both the British and the loyalists, those colonists who sided with the monarchy. Instinctively, in a way they probably wouldn't have described as a coherent strategy, the rebel groups employed the tactics of insurgency.

From there, Polk explores the role of insurgency in several other notable conflicts, including the Spanish guerrilla war against Napoleon, the Irish struggle for independence, the Algerian War of National Independence, and Vietnam. He eventually lands at the present day, where the lessons of this history are needed more than ever as Americans engage in ongoing campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq—and beyond.

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Abane, Ramdane
Abbas, Farhat,
Abizaid, John
Acheson, Dean
Adams, Gerry
Adams, John
Adams, Samuel
Afghan casualties
American intervention
American proxy war in
Americans in, hatred of
American war in
beneficiaries of American arms in
bin Laden and
Britain and
counterinsurgency in
Daoud’s republic
drug trade in
external and internal resistance
Afghan War
flight of inhabitants to Pakistan
Afghan War
guerrillas or mujahideen
guerrilla warfare in
imperatives of revenge and hospitality
insurgents, attacking of fellow inhabitants
insurgency against
Islam in
Khyber Pass
lack of unity among resistance
land and its inhabitants
military technology and terrain
monarchy of
Northern Alliance and Massoud
as part of world Islamic revolution
Polk in
Qandahar and beginnings of modern Afghanistan
Russian withdrawal
Russian casualties
Russian counterinsurgency
Russia in
Britain rivalry over Central Asia and
Sayyaf government-in-exile
Second Afghan War
Shah Shuja regime
size of insurgent movement
social organization and culture
Taliban in
Third Afghan war
Wakkan Corridor
WWI and
xenophobia in
Aguinaldo, Emilio
Ahmad, Eqbal
American supplied war matériel
battle of
Ben Bella leadership
climate of insurgency
Party in
concentration camps
conventional warfare
cost of war
creation of alternative administration
effect of Dien Bien Phu
empty promises of freedom for
European settlement
European view of people
Evian Accords
execution of terrorists
French army recruits
French brutality
French Communist Party and
French conquest and occupation
French counterinsurgency
French destruction of indigenous culture
French forces, size of
French use of torture
growth of insurgency
guerrilla warfare
insurgent leaders
insurgents, attacking of fellow inhabitants
insurgents’ “nation-in-motion,”
insurgents, number of
internal resistance forces

Table des matiĂšres