Star Commercial Spaces
eBook - ePub

Star Commercial Spaces

Francesc Zamora, Julio Fajardo

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  1. 592 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Star Commercial Spaces

Francesc Zamora, Julio Fajardo

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À propos de ce livre

Star Commercial Spaces is a complete catalog of some of the world's most innovative contemporary commercial spaces. Featuring the work of renowned architects and interior designers, this comprehensive volume is chock-full of full-color illustrations, floor plans, aerial plans, and vivid photographs of the most inviting, daring, and chic establishments around the globe.

From minimalist stores and quirky shops to fashionable bars and restaurants to trendy or quaint hotels, there is something for everyone in this inspirational guidebook. Whether you are an amateur architect or a professional working in the field, Star Commercial Spaces provides a myriad of inspirational ideas and designs that demonstrate the kind of versatility and strength possible in today's commercial marketplace.

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Concrete Architectural Associates
Concrete Architectural Associates team
© Concrete Architectural Associates
Rozengracht 133 III
1016 LV Amsterdam
Tel.: + 31 0 20 5 200 200
Fax: + 31 0 20 5 200 201
With the slogan “There are no problems, only solutions,” Concrete Architectural Associates builds specific identities that make them unique in the worldwide architectural scene. Their multidisciplinary work ranges from urban planning to interior design, and from architecture to product design. Originally, Concrete was founded in 1997 by Rob Wagemans, Gilian Schrofer, and Erik van Dillen to design a central office in Amsterdam for the Cirque du Soleil, an unrealized project. In 2004, Schrofer left the company to start her own business. With the arrival of Erikjan Vermuelen, the architectural studio was re-founded in 2006, and their work in architecture and urban landscaping was reinforced with other disciplines.
Bibliotheek Almere
Almere, Netherlands / 2010 / © Wim Ruigrok, Concrete Architectural Associates
The main challenge of the architects was to design all the public spaces in the new Almere library. Complementary facilities and shelves, such as counters, Internet connection areas, a cafeteria-reading area, study areas, and a multimedia department, were set.
Third floor plan
Second floor plan
First floor plan
Instead of a standar...

Table des matiĂšres