The Last Night of the Earth Poems
eBook - ePub

The Last Night of the Earth Poems

Charles Bukowski

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  1. 408 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

The Last Night of the Earth Poems

Charles Bukowski

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À propos de ce livre

"The Walt Whitman of Los Angeles."—Joyce Carol Oates, bestselling author

"He brought everybody down to earth, even the angels."—Leonard Cohen, songwriter

In The Last Night of the Earth Poems, Charles Bukowski's gritty poems deal with writing, death and immortality, literature, city life, illness, war, and the past.

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my wrists are rivers
my fingers are words


that Harbor Freeway south through the downtown
area—I mean, it can simply become
last Friday evening I was sitting there
motionless behind a wall of red taillights,
there wasn’t even first gear movement
as masses of exhaust fumes
greyed the evening air, engines overheated
and there was the smell of a clutch
burning out
it seemed to come from ahead of me—
from that long slow rise of freeway where
the cars were working
from first gear to neutral
again and again
and from neutral back to
first gear.
on the radio I heard the news
of that day
at least 6 times, I was
well versed in world
the remainder of the stations played a
thin, sick music.
the classical stations refused to come in
and when they did
it was a stale repetition of standard and
tiresome works.
I turned the radio off.
a strange whirling began in my
head—it circled behind the forehead, clockwise, went past the ears and around to the
back of the head, then back to the forehead
and around
I began to wonder, is this what happens
when one goes
I considered getting out of my car.
I was in the so-called fast
I could see myself out there
out of my car
leaning against the freeway divider,
arms folded.
then I would slide down to a sitting
position, putting my head between
my legs.
I stayed in the car, bit my tongue, turned
the radio back on, willed the whirling to
as I wondered if any of the others had to
battled against their
as I did?
then the car ahead of me
a foot, 2 feet, 3 feet!
I shifted to first gear

there was MOVEMENT!
then I was back in neutral
we had moved from 7 to
ten feet.
hearing the world news for the
7th time,
it was still all bad
but all of us listening,
we could handle that too
because we knew
that there was nothing worse than
looking at
that same license plate
that same dumb head sticking up
from behind the headrest
in the c...

Table des matiĂšres