A Year with Peter Drucker
eBook - ePub

A Year with Peter Drucker

Joseph A. Maciariello

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub

A Year with Peter Drucker

Joseph A. Maciariello

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

A year-long leadership development course, divided into short, weekly lessons, based on Peter Drucker's personal coaching program, previously unpublished material, and selected readings from the management guru's classic works, compiled by his longtime collaborator Joseph A. Maciariello.

A Year with Peter Drucker distills the essence of Peter Drucker's personal mentorship program into an easy-to-follow 52-week course, exploring the themes Drucker felt were most important to leadership development, including:

  • Leaders Must Set Sights on the Important and not the Urgent—a key differentiator between a subordinate and a chief.
  • Management is a Human Activity—Process must serve people, in and out of the organization.
  • The Roadmap to Personal Effectiveness—the importance of mission and doing the Right Things not just Getting Things Done.
  • The critical importance of leadership succession especially at top ranks of the organization.

Each weekly management meditation includes a lesson and a message or anecdote taken from Drucker's extensive body of work, as well as suggestions for further reading, reflective questions, and quick, easy prompts to help readers incorporate the knowledge they've learned into their daily work.

A lifetime of wisdom brilliantly honed into a single essential volume by Drucker's collaborator Joseph A. Maciariello, A Year with Peter Drucker gives both lifelong Drucker fans and young executives now discovering his brilliance an invaluable opportunity to learn directly from the late master.

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Harper Business


The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.
Abandonment, 62–63, 66, 70, 138, 167, 302, 391–92, 402, 405–6
in government, 170, 171
“If we did not do this already, would we go into it now?” question and, 176
in nonprofit service organizations, 171–73, 174
as right action in three cases, 174
at Salvation Army, 282–83
systematic, 170–76
“Abandonment” (Drucker), 62–63
Academy of Management Executive, 37, 40
Achievement, 159
Action, values as commitments to, 373
Action conclusions, 13
Adams, John, 130–31
Adventures of a Bystander (Drucker), 260
Adversity, 40
Affluence, stewardship of, 357–63
Affordable Care Act, 38
Africa, 358, 360–61
African-Americans, 148
Age distributions, 151, 152, 153, 334
Age of Capitalism, 29
Age of Discontinuity, The (Drucker), 150, 151, 167, 286
Agility, organizational, 167–68
AIDS, 358, 360
AIG, 80
Alcoholics Anonymous, 129, 130, 331–32
Alliances, 210, 211
Amazon, 215
America. See United States
American colonies, 203–4
American Heart Association, 173
American Red Cross, 266, 267, 332
Anthony, Robert N., 171, 405
Apparat, 20
Apple, 302, 307
Argentina, 112–14, 116–17
Armstrong, Neil, 139
Articles of Confederation, 204
Ashbrook, Tom, 18, 97–98, 134, 204
Asian-Americans, 148
Asian financial crisis, 30, 75
AT&T, 354
Athletes’ salaries, 220
Atlanta Coca-Cola, 112–14, 116–17
Augustine of Hippo, Saint, 159, 366
Authority, 232
legitimate, 234
Baby boomers, 153
Balance sheet, 232
Bank of England, 353
Barabba, Vince, 367
Barna, George, 388
Barnard, Chester I., 285
Barsky, Constance, 155, 156, 159
Baseball, 75–76
Robinson in, 233
Basic Ecclesiastical Communities (BECs), 25, 26–27
Basketball, 72, 75, 76
Battle of Shiloh, 223
Beane, Billy, 75–76
Beatrix, Queen, 5
Beatty, Jack, 367
Beauregard, P. G. T., 223
Beltran, Father Ben, 25, 26
Best practices, 293, 313
for education, 287, 293
for nonprofit organizations, 269
Bible, 172, 220, 397
Board of directors, 79–81, 82, 86–91, 92, 196, 403
internal behaviors that facilitate effective functioning of, 89–91
as public and community relations organ, 88–89
and removal of top management, 88
as review body, 87–88
succession decisions and, 249–50, 403, 409
three functions of, 86–89
qualifications for, 80
Bok, Derek, 242, 244, 246, 440n57
Bolles, Dick, 270
Bonaventure, Saint, 366
Bono, 301
Book printing, 291
Boom periods, 40, 41
Boredom, 309, 326, 338, 339
Boston Celtics, 72
Bottlenecks, 107–8
Bottom line, 404
Botts, Timothy, 17
Boundary conditions, 85
Boy Scouts, 266
Brooklyn Dodgers, 233
Brown, Donaldson, 398
Buchanan, James, 68, 241–42
Buckley, William F., Jr., 96
Buford, Bob, 128, 147, 235–36, 267, 27...

Table des matiĂšres