Bamboo Style
eBook - ePub

Bamboo Style

Gale Beth Goldberg

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  1. 176 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Bamboo Style

Gale Beth Goldberg

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À propos de ce livre

Bamboo isn't just for Asia anymore! Author Gale Goldberg shows us how to creatively bring bamboo home, teaching us how to live with it indoors and outdoors--even how to grow your own bamboo. Every room in your home can be decorated or accented with beautful, sensual bamboo furniture, flooring, wall covering, ceiling material and accessories. Bamboo is highly versatile, requiring little care yet having a visual appeal that can change a mundane setting into an exotic oasis. The resource directory includes connections to designers, manufacturers, artists, suppliers and bamboo organizations. For do-it-yourselfers, the bamboo projects in this book--from a simple ladle to a more complex pergola for the garden--will inspire you to create other designs of your own.

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Gibbs Smith



Represented here are various organizations in the USA and internationally that embody the global rhizomatic bamboo connections. I recommend starting with the Websites and for a comprehensive listing and direct Internet linkages—simplifying searching in the virtual reality of cyberspace.


American Bamboo Society (ABS)
315 South Coast Highway 101, Suite U
PMB 212
Encinitas, CA 92024 - 3555
The American Bamboo Society (ABS) is a nonprofit organization with regional chapters and worldwide membership that functions as the primary information source on bamboo in the USA. ABS publishes an extensive annual plant and product source list, a bimonthly news magazine, and an annual scientific journal. ABS sponsors an annual conference. Regional chapters publish newsletters and host workshops, presentations, bamboo festivals, and plant and product auctions. The ABS Website is an invaluable resource.
Earth Advocates Research Farm (EARF)
30 Myers Road
Summertown, TN 38483-7323
EARF is a nonprofit dedicated to several bamboo-related ventures: performance trials of hardy bamboos in display gardens and groves; publishing the illustrated journal Temperate Bamboo Quarterly (TBQ); classes, workshops, and short courses offered at their “Bamboo Institute of Tennessee.” Can provide speakers on any aspect of Bamboo. EARF wholesales bamboos at “Our Bamboo Nursery” (see Nurseries) and is a certified Bamboo import/quarantine station. EARF maintains an extensive Bamboo library, welcomes researchers, and has an intern program available. Visits by appointment only.
Pacific Bamboo Council
P.O. Box 454
Pahoa, HI 96778-0454
Pacific Bamboo Council is a “nonprofit group of growers, artists, and craftspeople who promote the use and awareness of bamboo in the USA.” (See ABS Website).


Environmental Bamboo Foundation (EBF)
P.O. Box 196
Ubud 80571
Bali, Indonesia
62.361.974.029 fax
Founded by Linda Garland “ . . . to incorporate a multidisciplinary approach to developing bamboo as an environmentally renewable non-wood forest resource.” (See EBF or ABS Website) Develops educational programs and funding support through nonprofit arm—the International Bamboo Foundation (IBF). Medicinal uses information:
European Bamboo Society (EBS)
EBS is “. . . an informal federation of national European bamboo societies, each of which has its own administration and membership.” (See EBS Website) Convenes an annual meeting whose location is rotated amongst participating countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, and Switzerland.
World Bamboo Organization
“Promoting prosperity for bamboo, people, and the environment thro...

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