Polluted Promises
eBook - ePub

Polluted Promises

Environmental Racism and the Search for Justice in a Southern Town

Melissa Checker

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub

Polluted Promises

Environmental Racism and the Search for Justice in a Southern Town

Melissa Checker

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À propos de ce livre

Association for Humanist Sociology 2007 Book Award co-winner

Julian Steward Award 2006 Runner-Up!

Over the past two decades, environmental racism has become the rallying cry for many communities as they discover the contaminations of toxic chemicals and industrial waste in their own backyards.

Living next door to factories and industrial sites for years, the people in these communities often have record health problems and debilitating medical conditions. Melissa Checker tells the story of one such neighborhood, Hyde Park, in Augusta, Georgia, and the tenacious activism of its two hundred African American families. This community, at one time surrounded by nine polluting industries, is struggling to make their voices heard and their community safe again.

Polluted Promises shows that even in the post-civil rights era, race and class are still key factors in determining the politics of pollution.

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NYU Press


“Abeyance structures,” 228n83
Activism: activist consciousness, 33–34
of black teachers, 50
and ethnography, 8, 31–34
in Hyde Park, 31
and identity, 34, 120–121, 146–147, 216n71
and strategy, 23, 216n71
success of, 32–33. See also HAPIC (Hyde and Aragon Park Improvement Committee); Social movements
African Americans: arrest rates of (2004), 9
Baptist practices of, 167–168
college enrollment of, 25
deaths of, 25
democracy, definitions of, 31–32
diabetes among, 119
environment, definitions of, 75–76
environmentalism to, 88–89
and health care, 25
health of, 13, 119
homeownership among, 25, 80, 185
hypertension, 119
interclass antagonisms among, 142
and jail sentences, 185
and land theft, 47, 218n31
landownership to, 75–81
and Lewinsky scandal, 227n56, 233n7
life expectancy among (2004), 8
male earnings among (2004), 8
middle-class, in the South, 50
migration from the South, 61
northern, in the South, 61, 80
and poverty rates, 25
and religion, 170
residential mobility among, 29
social scientists’
view of, 25–29
and southernness, 42–43
as teachers, 50, 185
“underclass” among, 27–29
unemployment among, 25, 61
in Virginia Subdivision, 128
wartime service of, 219n60
women’s voluntary associations, 110
Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), 49
All Our Kin (Stack), 27
American Dream, 81, 86, 102
An American Dilemma (Myrdal), 26
Antinuclear groups, 172
Aragon Park (Augusta, Georgia), 52, 96, 111
Arsenic, 6, 83
Arsenical keratosis, 125
Atlanta (Georgia), 61–62, 217n8
Atlanta Gas Light Company, 220n80
ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry): and Hyde Park, 6, 118, 122, 125–126, 127, 183
response to EPA study, 128–129
and Virginia Subdivision, 91
Augusta (Georgia), 39–67
1960s in, 55–57
Aragon Park neighborhood of, 52, 96, 111
black churches in, 44
black disempowerment in, 45
black high schools in, 44–45, 46, 50
black income in (1949), 51
black population growth in, 62
black self-suffici...

Table des matiĂšres