The Dance of Legislation
eBook - ePub

The Dance of Legislation

An Insider's Account of the Workings of the United States Senate

Eric Redman

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  1. 320 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
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eBook - ePub

The Dance of Legislation

An Insider's Account of the Workings of the United States Senate

Eric Redman

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À propos de ce livre

The Dance of Legislation has long been considered a classic description of the legislative process. In it, Eric Redman draws on his two years as a member of Senator Warren Magnuson's staff to trace the drafting and passing of a piece of legislation — S.4106, the National Health Service Bill — with all the maneuvers, plots, counterplots, frustrations, triumphs, and sheer work and dedication involved. He provides a vivid picture of the bureaucratic infighting, political prerogatives, and Congressional courtesies necessary to make something happen on Capitol Hill. In a Postscript to the 2000 edition, Redman reflects on how that process has, and has not, changed in the thirty years since the book was first published.

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Adams, Brock
as cosponsor of NHSC, 92–93, 96, 148, 221–22, 249
introduction of NHSC bill and, 103–6
Agnew, Spiro, 156, 165, 217
getting NHSC bill to Nixon and, 258–59, 261, 269n, 272
Airport-Airways Development Act (1970), 196
Albert, Carl, 246, 247
Alcoholism bill (1970), 241, 242, 245–48, 255, 256, 261, 264, 270–73, 280, 282
American Academy of General Practice, 278
American Independent Party, 294
American Medical Association (AMA), 47, 60, 62, 130–31
alcoholism bill and, 264
Knowles opposed by, 42
NHSC and, 39, 135, 152–54, 181, 291–92
1967 draft law and, 65
American Optometrical Association, 249
American Public Health Association (APHA), 127–29, 134
Americans for Constitutional Action (ACA), 204
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 204
Anderson, Harlan J., 289
Anti-ballistic missile (ABM)
scientists opposed to, 18n
Senatorial opposition to, 56, 85, 201, 203–4
Appropriations Committee (Senate), 29, 45
Armed Services Committees (House and Senate), 33, 40, 83
Association of American medical Colleges (AAMC), 113
Aviation Subcommittee (Senate), 196
Barclay, Robert
NHSC and, 128, 129, 134, 147, 184–85, 248
Barer, Stan, 29–30. 36, 37, 54, 86, 95, 107, 112, 166
Bergman, Abraham B., 142, 164, 169–71, 176
as aide to Magnuson, 27–29
AMA meeting on NHSC and, 152–54
in averting pocket veto, 235, 236
briefing on PHS by, 63
characteristics of, 27–28, 54–55, 295
correspondence with, 215, 217, 218, 231–32
enlisting Johnson's aid, 148
in floor-amendment strategy, 61, 65–67, 72
HEW cooperation and, 43–50
House passage of NHSC and, 243–45, 247, 252–53
lobbying activity of, 219–22, 262–64
national health insurance and, 184
Nelson's NHSC bill and, 80, 81
NHSC Advisory Council and, 288
in NHSC House hearings, 222–24
in NHSC Senate hearings, 114–15, ...

Table des matiĂšres