Toward a Global PhD?
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Toward a Global PhD?

Forces and Forms in Doctoral Education Worldwide

Maresi Nerad, Mimi Heggelund, Maresi Nerad, Mimi Heggelund

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  1. 320 pages
  2. English
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  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

Toward a Global PhD?

Forces and Forms in Doctoral Education Worldwide

Maresi Nerad, Mimi Heggelund, Maresi Nerad, Mimi Heggelund

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À propos de ce livre

Universities and nations have long recognized the direct contribution of graduate education to the welfare of the economy by meeting a range of research and employment needs. With the burgeoning of a global economy in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, the economic outcome of doctoral education reaches far beyond national borders. Many doctoral programs in the United States and throughout the world are looking for opportunities to equip students to work in transnational settings, with scientists and researchers located across the globe. Nations competing within this global economy often have different and not always compatible motives for supporting graduate training. In this volume, graduate education experts explore some of the tensions and potential for cooperation between nations in the realm of doctoral education. The contributors assess graduate education in different systems around the world, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, the Nordic countries, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Many factors motivate the need for a global understanding of doctoral education, including the internationalization of the labor market and global competition, the expansion of opportunities for doctoral education in smaller and developing nations, and a declining interest among international students in pursuing their graduate education in the United States.

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