Law without Nations
eBook - ePub

Law without Nations

Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas, Martha Merrill Umphrey, Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas, Martha Merrill Umphrey

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  1. 256 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
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eBook - ePub

Law without Nations

Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas, Martha Merrill Umphrey, Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas, Martha Merrill Umphrey

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À propos de ce livre

The possibility of law in the absence of a nation would seem to strip law from its source of meaning and value. At the same time, law divorced from nations would clear the ground for a cosmopolitan vision in which the prejudices or idiosyncrasies of distinctive national traditions would give way to more universalist groundings for law. These alternately dystopian and utopian viewpoints inspire this original collection of essays on law without nations.

This book examines the ways in which the growing internationalization of law affects domestic national law, the relationship between cosmopolitan legal ideas and understandings of national identity, and the intersections of identity and law based on the liberal tradition of jurisprudence and transnational influences. Ultimately, Law without Nations offers sharp analyses of the fraught relationship between the nation and the state—and the legal forms and practices that they require, constitute, and violently contest.

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Abbasi v. Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 71–72, 74, 79, 87
Abduh, Mohammed, 143
Abkhazia, 159, 160
Afghani, Sayyid Jamal ad-Din al-, 139 anti-imperialism, 143–45, 153; influence, 143–44, 145; “Lecture on Teaching and Learning,” 150; radicalism, 143; “Refutation of the Materialists,” 142–43, 145–50
Africa, gender and justice in, 214
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, 170, 171
Agamben, Giorgio, 53–55n12, 62n71
Al-Marri v. Wright, 64n85
American Convention on Human Rights, 170,171
Amnesty International, 166
Anderson, Benedict, 8
Anghie, Antony, 90
Anthropology, 90, 215
Antitrust enforcement, 41–42, 75
Arendt, Hannah, 43–44, 176–79, 221
Ataturk, 144, 145
Atrocities: in Balkans, 4–5 criminal prosecutions, 4–6. See also Crimes against humanity; Human rights law; War crimes
Balkans, see Yugoslavia, former
Baron, Salo, 107
Belgium: Habre indictment, 58n40; as multinational state, 2, 8, 200
Berlin, Isaiah, 190
Berman, Harold, 101, 103
Bible, 104, 105–6, 111–12, 115
Blackstone, William, 72
Blidstein, Gerald, 117, 120
Bosnia: refugee repatriation, 167. See also Yugoslavia, former
Boumediene v. Bush, 64n85
British Empire, 145. See also United Kingdom
Burns, United States v., 72–74, 79, 80, 85, 87
Bush, George W., 203
Bush administration: invasion of Iraq, 223; war on terrorism, 45–50, 62–63n76, 65n92; withdrawal from International Criminal Court, 6, 23, 52–53n2
Cambodia, Khmer Rouge, 34–35
Canada: Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 77; comparative constitutionalism, 85–86; death penalty abolition, 73; extradition treaty with United States, 72–73; as multinational state, 2, 8; polygamy cases, 96–97n...

Table des matiĂšres