Learning From the Global Financial Crisis
eBook - ePub

Learning From the Global Financial Crisis

Creatively, Reliably, and Sustainably

Paul Shrivastava, Matt Statler, Paul Shrivastava, Matt Statler

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  1. 376 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Learning From the Global Financial Crisis

Creatively, Reliably, and Sustainably

Paul Shrivastava, Matt Statler, Paul Shrivastava, Matt Statler

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

This book is motivated by the simple hope that the cloud of the global financial crisis may yet have a silver lining—that political leaders, economists, and management scholars might seize this opportunity to reflect critically on the assumptions, practices, and infrastructures that have precipitated the crisis and to imagine and create new forms of organization that sustainably enhance the well-being of global stakeholders.

The contributors suggest that aesthetic management, high reliability and crisis management, and sustainability science have much to contribute to the resolution of the collapse that we've witnessed, and to providing enduring lessons for how to structure the institutions of the future. Learning From the Global Financial Crisis devotes a section to each of these areas, offering full-length chapters which explore key issues in depth, as well as shorter commentaries that focus on practical considerations. The chapters progress from micro-level issues that pertain to individuals and teams who act creatively; to the meso-level issues that pertain to the structures, practices, and processes; to the macro-level issues that pertain to the interdependent, ecological systems.

Together, the contributions emphasize the importance of developing holistic responses to the financial crisis. The result is a volume that casts new light on traditional economic and managerial theories and policies and provides fresh ideas to a new generation of scholars and practitioners.

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Italic page numbers indicate material in tables or figures.
academic tenure system, 189
Academy of Management, 49
Accursed Share, The (Bataille), 134
addiction, 294
administrative science, 18–19
aesthetic/foundational finance, 264, 266
aesthetic leadership, 67–72
aesthetics: and economics, 58–60; engagement/encounter through, 59–60, 68–72; as sense perception, 58
Agamben, Georgio, 80
AIG, 143, 254
Ali Baba fairy tale, 128–37
alienation from nature, 293–95
all-hazards planning, 200
Altgeld Gardens, 71
ambiguous and synonymous expressions, 38–39
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 143
Amex oil index (XOI), 222–23
analytic statements, 31–32
“animal spirits,” 261–62
anthrax preparedness, 201
applied aesthetics, 80
arbitrage, 172–73
architect example (Wittgenstein), 42–44
art: of accounting and finance, 117–19; and identity, 60–66; as knowing, 57; play and, 159, 162–64; significance to science, 56–57; and sustainability, 329–31, 335–36; vs. craft, 117
arte povera, 77
Art of War, The (Sun Tzu), 164
Art Technology and Management Program, 335
assertions: and claims of fact, 27–29, 31–35; and correspondence theory, 42; empirical, 27; mathematical and logical, 32–34; meaningful, 36–40, 46; as static objects, 38
asset-pricing models, 111
assumptions, 3–4
auditing: in Indian banking, 325; paid by corporations, 248; redundancy as, 185
Augustinian view of language. See referentiality
automatic processing, 170
automobile industry, 63, 143, 258
Autoquote software, 269
bailouts, 155, 175
banking, Indian, 318, 321–26
Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall Act), 145, 158, 252–53, 256, 321
Bank of America, 179, 207, 254
bankruptcy remote entities, 209
Barclays Capital Global Carbon Index, 223
Barings, 176–77, 183
Bataille, Georges, 133–36
Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb, 58
Bear Stearns, 143, 146, 168, 173, 206, 254

Table des matiĂšres