In the Shelter of Elyon
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In the Shelter of Elyon

Essays on Ancient Palestinian Life and Literature

W. Boyd Barrick, John R. Spencer, W. Boyd Barrick, John R. Spencer

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  1. 330 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

In the Shelter of Elyon

Essays on Ancient Palestinian Life and Literature

W. Boyd Barrick, John R. Spencer, W. Boyd Barrick, John R. Spencer

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À propos de ce livre

This magnificent collection of articles on OT literature, history, religion and culture comprises the following studies: A.L. Merrill and J.R. Spencer, 'The Uppsala School' of Biblical Studies. W. Boyd Barrick, G.W. Ahlström in Profile. B. Glazier-McDonald, G.W. Ahlström: A Bibliography. W. Boyd Barrick and J.R. Spencer, Parentheses in a Snowstorm: G.W. Ahlström and the Study of Ancient Palestine. P.A.H. de Boer, Psalm 81.6a: Observations on Translation and Meaning of One Hebrew Line. N.C. Habel, The Role of Elihu in the Design of the Book of Job. C.E. L'Heureux, The Redactional History of Isaiah 5.1-10.4. D. Pardee, The Semantic Parallelism of Psalm 89. J. Van Seters, Joshua 24 and the Problem of Tradition in the Old Testament. M. Haran, The Shining of Moses' Face: A Case in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Iconography. A.S. Kapelrud, The Prophets and the Covenant. M. Ottosson, The Prophet Elijah's Visit to Zarephath. B. Otzen, Heavenly Visions in Early Judaism: Origin and Function. A.W. Sjöberg, Eve and the Chameleon. G. Widengren, Yahweh's Gathering of the Dispersed. P.R. Ackroyd, The Biblical Interpretation of the Reigns of Ahaz and Hezekiah. S. Herrmann, King David's State. S.A. Kaufman, A Reconstruction of the Social Welfare Systems of Ancient Israel. T.W. Overholt, Thoughts on the Use of Charisma in Old Testament Studies. J.M. Sasson, The Biographic Mode in Hebrew Historiography.

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Table des matiĂšres