Reading Paul in Context: Explorations in Identity Formation
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Reading Paul in Context: Explorations in Identity Formation

Essays in Honour of William S. Campbell

Kathy Ehrensperger, J. Brian Tucker, Kathy Ehrensperger, J. Brian Tucker

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  1. 288 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Uniquement disponible sur le Web
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Reading Paul in Context: Explorations in Identity Formation

Essays in Honour of William S. Campbell

Kathy Ehrensperger, J. Brian Tucker, Kathy Ehrensperger, J. Brian Tucker

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À propos de ce livre

This new collection celebrates the distinguished contribution of William S. Campbell to a renewed understanding of Paul's theologizing and its influence on the shaping of early Christian identity. The essays are clustered around two closely related topics: Paul's theologizing, and the way it influenced Christian identity within the context of Roman Empire. The essays consider the continued relevance of previous identities in Christ', the importance of the context of the Roman Empire, and the significance of the Jewishness of Paul and the Pauline movement in the shaping of identity. The political context is discussed by Neil Elliott, Ekkehard Stegemann, Daniel Patte, and Ian Rock whilst the Jewish roots of Paul and the Christ-movement are addressed in essays by Robert Jewett, Mark Nanos, Calvin Roetzel, and Kathy Ehrensperger. Paul's specific influence in shaping the identity of the early Christ-movement is the concern of essays by Robert Brawley, Jerry Sumney, Kar Yong Lim, and J. Brian Tucker. Finally, methodological reflection on Paul's theologizing within Pauline studies is the concern of essays by Terrence Donaldson and Magnus Zetterholm.

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