T&T Clark Companion to the Doctrine of Sin
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T&T Clark Companion to the Doctrine of Sin

Keith L. Johnson, David Lauber, Keith L. Johnson, David Lauber

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  1. 528 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Uniquement disponible sur le Web
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T&T Clark Companion to the Doctrine of Sin

Keith L. Johnson, David Lauber, Keith L. Johnson, David Lauber

DĂ©tails du livre
Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

The T&T Clark Companion to the Doctrine of Sin provides a comprehensive treatment of the doctrine of sin. The Companion includes an examination of the biblical and rabbinic accounts of sin, and it provides accounts of sin and its effects offered by key theologians throughout Christian history. It also explores debates surrounding the implications of sin for various doctrines, including God, creation, anthropology, and salvation. The book is comprised of 30 major essays that provide an unparalleled examination of the key texts, figures, and debates relevant to the Christian tradition's discussion of the doctrine of sin. The Companion is unique in that every essay seeks to both appropriate and further stimulate the church's understanding of sin and its implications for the whole of the church's dogmatic tradition. The essays are divided into three sections: (1) Biblical Background; (2) Major Figures and Traditions; and (3) Dogmatic Concerns. The first set of essays explores the biblical and rabbinic accounts of sin to bring out the complexities of the biblical presentation and its implications. The second section discusses the role of the doctrine of sin in the theology of key theologians with a special attention to explaining how the doctrine contributes to an understanding of their overall theology. The final section explores key dogmatic questions and concerns related to the doctrine of sin (e.g. original sin, sin and the question of evil and providence, sin and the freedom of the will).

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T&T Clark

Table des matiĂšres