Finding Herem?
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Finding Herem?

A Study of Luke-Acts in the Light of Herem

Hyung Dae Park

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  1. 240 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Uniquement disponible sur le Web
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Finding Herem?

A Study of Luke-Acts in the Light of Herem

Hyung Dae Park

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À propos de ce livre

The concept of Herem is found throughout the Old Testament and presented a problem to the Second Temple Jewish authors. In introducing the concept to their audiences and in applying it to themselves and other nations, they avoided it by reducing or expanding, omitting or changing the concept of Herem. Much evidence in Luke-Acts, however, indicates that Luke deliberately uses the concept of Herem in order to present the life and teaching of Jesus and his disciples. Jesus' death on the cross, resurrection and ascension can be seen as Herem, that redeems God's people. The disciples' thoughts and actions in Acts as well as all the Christ event are based on Jesus' teaching, such as Luke 9: 24 and 20: 25.Ultimately, this study suggests that readers of Luke-Acts should consider the whole Old Testament so as to understand Lukan use of the Old Testament and its attitude to the Mosaic law. Moreover, this study shows that the ethics of Luke-Acts are not limited to sharing possessions but related to offering or giving what belongs to oneself, even life, without expecting any reciprocal advantage. Furthermore, the concept of Herem detected in Luke-Acts makes it possible to argue that there is an 'atonement theology' in Lukan writings.

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