Parliament and the Law
eBook - PDF

Parliament and the Law

Alexander Horne, Gavin Drewry, Alexander Horne, Gavin Drewry

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  1. 416 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

Parliament and the Law

Alexander Horne, Gavin Drewry, Alexander Horne, Gavin Drewry

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À propos de ce livre

Parliament and the Law (Second Edition) is an edited collection of essays, supported by the UK's Study of Parliament Group, including contributions by leading constitutional lawyers, political scientists and parliamentary officials. It provides a wide-ranging overview of the ways in which the law applies to, and impacts upon, the UK Parliament, and it considers how recent changes to the UK's constitutional arrangements have affected Parliament as an institution. It includes authoritative discussion of a number of issues of topical concern, such as: the operation of parliamentary privilege, the powers of Parliament's select committees, parliamentary scrutiny, devolution, English Votes for English Laws, Members' conduct and the governance of both Houses. It also contains chapters on financial scrutiny, parliamentary sovereignty, Parliament and human rights, and the administration of justice. Aimed mainly at legal academics, practitioners, and political scientists, it will also be of interest to anyone who is curious about the many fascinating ways in which the law interacts with and influences the work, the constitutional status and the procedural arrangements of the Westminster Parliament.

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Hart Publishing
Public Law

Table des matiĂšres