Regulating Financial Services and Markets in the 21st Century
eBook - PDF

Regulating Financial Services and Markets in the 21st Century

EilĂ­s Ferran, Charles Goodhart CBE, EilĂ­s Ferran, Charles Goodhart CBE

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  1. 352 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

Regulating Financial Services and Markets in the 21st Century

EilĂ­s Ferran, Charles Goodhart CBE, EilĂ­s Ferran, Charles Goodhart CBE

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À propos de ce livre

The essays in this work offer a high-level examination of the most important issues facing financial services regulation, and the far-reaching effects of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 on the UK financial sector in the context of rapid global change. Taking an interdisciplinary approach the book includes contributions by many distinguished academic authorities on the law and economics of regulation, and also some of the most influential practitioners, regulators and policymakers. As such it provides an authoritative analysis of the underlying issues affecting the broad development of financial services regulation: the objectives of regulation, the responsibilities of the regulated community, the accountability of regulators, the regulation of electronic financial markets and the impact of stock market mergers, regional regulation within Europe, and the development of global financial regulation.

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Hart Publishing

Table des matiĂšres