Concepts And Challenges In The Biophysics Of Hearing (With Cd-rom) - Proceedings Of The 10th International Workshop On The Mechanics Of Hearing
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Concepts And Challenges In The Biophysics Of Hearing (With Cd-rom) - Proceedings Of The 10th International Workshop On The Mechanics Of Hearing

(With CD-ROM)

Nigel P Cooper, David T Kemp

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  1. 536 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
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Concepts And Challenges In The Biophysics Of Hearing (With Cd-rom) - Proceedings Of The 10th International Workshop On The Mechanics Of Hearing

(With CD-ROM)

Nigel P Cooper, David T Kemp

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À propos de ce livre

This book extends our understanding of the mechanics and biophysics of hearing by bringing together the latest research on the topic by experts in cell and molecular biology, physiology, physics, engineering and mathematics. It contains the proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on the Mechanics of Hearing that was held at Keele University in the United Kingdom at the end of July, 2008. Topics for discussion included theoretical and experimental research at the molecular, cellular and systems levels. Separate sections of the book deal with: the transmission of sound energy to and from the inner ear, and wave propagation within the inner ear; the enhancement of stimulus wave motion that occurs in the inner ear; new measurement techniques that will underpin future innovative studies; the micro-mechanics of the basilar and tectorial membranes and the organ of Corti; cochlear dynamics; sensory hair cells and electromechanical transduction; and sensory hair-bundles and mechano-electrical transduction. The book concludes with the transcript of an open discussion session between the participants of the workshop, highlighting areas of uncertainty and controversy in the field, and pointing the way to the solutions to be sought in future research. This book reviews and synthesizes current concepts and challenges in the biophysics of hearing, and will be an invaluable guide to researchers and students in all branches of auditory science.

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