Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction & Management
eBook - ePub

Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction & Management

Christian N Madu, Chu-Hua Kuei

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  1. 956 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
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eBook - ePub

Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction & Management

Christian N Madu, Chu-Hua Kuei

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À propos de ce livre


Climate change is increasingly of great concern to the world community. The earth has witnessed the buildup of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere, changes in biodiversity, and more occurrences of natural disasters. Recently, scientists have begun to shift their emphasis away from curbing carbon dioxide emission to adapting to carbon dioxide emission. The increase in natural disasters around the world is unprecedented in earth's history and these disasters are often associated to climate changes. Many nations along the coastal lines are threatened by massive floods and tsunamis. Earthquakes are increasing in intensity and erosion and droughts are problems in many parts of the developing countries. This book is therefore to investigate ways to prepare and effectively manage these disasters and possibly reduce their impacts. The focus is on mitigation strategies and policies that will help to reduce the impacts of natural disasters. The book takes an in-depth look at climate change and its association to socio-economic development and cultures especially in vulnerable communities; and investigates how communities can develop resilience to disasters. A balanced and a multiple perspective approach to manage the risks associated with natural disasters is offered by engaging authors from the entire globe to proffer solutions.

--> Contents:

  • Introduction to Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
  • Reducing Economic Vulnerability to Climate Risk through Community Resilience
  • A new Framework to Build Resilience to Disasters
  • The System for Crisis Management in Sweden: Collaborative, Conformist, and Contradictory
  • Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Assessment: Conceptualizing a Systematic Capacity (Assessment) Framework for Japan
  • Using Systems Thinking to Achieve Sustainability and Disaster Resilience
  • Addressing Risks in the Reconstruction and Development of Fragile States: Lessons from Aceh, Haiti and South Sudan
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection and Uncertainty Analysis
  • Gender Perspectives in Response and Recovery
  • Natural Disasters and Supply Chain Disruption Management
  • Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration in Australia: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Measuring the Immeasurable: Towards an Integrated Evaluation Framework of Climate Change Adaptation Projects
  • Risk Management of Landslides and Flooding — Recommendations and Step Wise Process
  • Multi-Risk Assessment and Governance
  • Complex Systems Thinking in preparation for Unexpected Risks: Building General Resilience in South Australia
  • Modeling Disaster Resilience
  • Multi-Scale Seismic Hazard in the Context of the Reduction of Earthquake Disaster Risk: A Case Study on the Earthquake Forecast Practice in China
  • Evaluating the Performance of Disaster Risk Management Systems — Is It Possible?
  • Priority Assessment of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA): A Case Study of Nigeria
  • Hyogo Framework for Action: An Analysis Ten Years Later and a Prospective for Future Decades
  • Natural Disaster Management in Italy
  • Decision Making for Responding to Drought-Ensuring they are Driven by Objective Assessments of Drought
  • Exploring the Inadequacy of Pertinent Capacities for Urban Flood Risk Management in the Developing Countries
  • Disaster Risk Reduction Policy and Management in Zimbabwe
  • Community Disaster Management Plans
  • Review of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Malawi
  • Disasters in Thailand
  • Models for Holistic Recovery
  • The Role of Women in Disaster Resilience
  • Emergency Planning and Disaster Recovery in Hospitality Industry
  • Humanitarian Logistics
  • Social Marketing and Disaster Preparedness
  • Disaster Recovery and Sustainable Community Development
  • Healthcare Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
  • Strategies for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management: Are Lessons from Past Disasters Actionable?
  • Evolving Disaster Relief Supply Chain Quality Management into Nigeria's Emergency Operations

--> Readership: Graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the field of disaster management, environmentalists, federal emergency management agencies, disaster risk managers. -->
Disaster;Climate Change;Risk Reduction;Sustainability;Mitigation;Hazard Key Features:

  • The book is comprehensive and covers all the new ideas on managing disasters. It also includes authors from several nations across the globe and covers all the continents. Multiple perspectives and the different viewpoints that influence the management of disasters are captured in this volume. It is one of the few comprehensive volumes in the field
  • It is evidence-based with practice and policy orientation. It is developed for general readership and it takes a multidisciplinary approach to problem solving
  • It is up to date and covers the most recent disaster events around the world and how such events could be effectively managed

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Table des matiĂšres