Marketing and Designing the Tourist Experience
eBook - PDF

Marketing and Designing the Tourist Experience

Isabelle Frochot, Wided Batat

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  1. 256 pages
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - PDF

Marketing and Designing the Tourist Experience

Isabelle Frochot, Wided Batat

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À propos de ce livre

The originality of this text lies in its combination of a wide range of knowledge, theory and best practice that has so far been widely distributed across a range of sources. Drawing all this together allows the authors to offer a much needed multifaceted but carefully integrated overview of managing and promoting the tourist experience.For students and practitioners alike it will make clear both in theory and in practice:‱What really lies at the heart of the customer experience;‱How to manage and improve service provision;‱How to influence the customer experience;‱Key examples illustrating real world success. The topic of 'experience' is becoming central to a proper and full understanding of consumer behaviour and the book covers the key sectors where it is a critical factor- from resort management and tourist information to destination marketing. International in scope and applicability it backs up the theory throughout with relevant case materials, questions and exercises.Written by experienced educators it is ideal for upper level students in tourism marketing and tourism management, and important for all practitioners and managers who also need to understand the principles and practice of experiential and tourism marketing, tourist behaviour, service quality and customer experience.

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Table des matiĂšres