The Authority Guide to Developing High-performance Teams
eBook - ePub

The Authority Guide to Developing High-performance Teams

How to develop brilliant teams and reap the rich rewards of effective collaboration in the workplace

Andrew Jenkins

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eBook - ePub

The Authority Guide to Developing High-performance Teams

How to develop brilliant teams and reap the rich rewards of effective collaboration in the workplace

Andrew Jenkins

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

Are you making the most of the greatest asset in your business? To make your good business a great business you need to have more than just a strong product or service. Having a high-performing team in your organisation is guaranteed to give you a competitive advantage. Andrew Jenkins helps you discover how to cultivate in your people the willingness to grow as individuals and as a group. Packed with easy-to-follow activities, exercises and models this Authority Guide explains how to build a high performing, collaborative, trusting and resilient team.

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Team development programmes

Useful tips and resources


For most worksheets mentioned in this book, I arrange for these to be printed out on flip chart size (A1) from a local printer ahead of the team day. This makes them easily visible and are just the right size for group work.
All worksheets referred to in this book are available on my website ( If you wish for any further information, please feel free to contact me.

Acknowledging sources

All the tools and exercises in this book have been tried and tested by me. I have studied many of the works from notable experts in the field of leadership development, and have referred to them in this book. To these people I am grateful. Over time I have adapted and changed many of these and fine-tuned them to suit facilitating team development programmes.
We all stand on the shoulders of other experts that have gone before us. This is how knowledge is further refined. I hope you will do the same with this book, too. Whatever topic, exercise, tool or model I introduce to a team, I always start by referencing its source. This is right, proper and ethical: the source originator should always be acknowledged and honoured. It also gives credibility to the material you are about to use.
I often bring along the original books, too, so people can browse these and purchase their own copies if they are interested. I simply request that you do the same for this book.

Additional resources

Team assessment tool: In the previous chapters ‘Build trust’ and ‘Harness conflict’, I refer to Patrick Lencioni’s books on tea...

Table des matiĂšres