The Secret Lives of Introverts
eBook - ePub
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The Secret Lives of Introverts

Inside Our Hidden World

Jenn Granneman, Adrianne Lee

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  1. 320 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub
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The Secret Lives of Introverts

Inside Our Hidden World

Jenn Granneman, Adrianne Lee

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À propos de ce livre

An introvert guide and manifesto for all the quiet ones—and the people who love them.
Is there a hidden part of you that no one else sees? Do you have a vivid inner world of thoughts and emotions that your peers and loved ones can't seem to access? Have you ever been told you're too "quiet, " "shy, " "boring, " or "awkward"? Are your habits and comfort zones questioned by a society that doesn't seem to get the real you? If so, you might be an introvert. On behalf of those who have long been misunderstood, rejected, or ignored, fellow introvert Jenn Granneman writes a compassionate vindication—exploring, discovering, and celebrating the secret inner world of introverts that, only until recently, has begun to peek out and emerge into the larger social narrative. Drawing from scientific research, in-depth interviews with experts and other introverts, and her personal story, Granneman reveals the clockwork behind the introvert's mind—and why so many people get it wrong initially. Whether you are a bona fide introvert, an extrovert anxious to learn how we tick, or a curious ambivert, these revelations will answer the questions you've always had:

  • What's going on when introverts go quiet?
  • What do introvert lovers need to flourish in a relationship?
  • How can introverts find their own brand of fulfillment in the workplace?
  • Do introverts really have a lot to say—and how do we draw it out?
  • How can introverts mine their rich inner worlds of creativity and insight?
  • Why might introverts party on a Friday night but stay home alone all Saturday?
  • How can introverts speak out to defend their needs?

With other myths debunked and truths revealed, The Secret Lives of Introverts is an empowering manifesto that guides you toward owning your introversion by working with your nature, rather than against it, in a world where you deserve to be heard.

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