CompTIA Security+ Study Guide
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CompTIA Security+ Study Guide

Exam SY0-501

Emmett Dulaney, Chuck Easttom

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eBook - ePub
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CompTIA Security+ Study Guide

Exam SY0-501

Emmett Dulaney, Chuck Easttom

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À propos de ce livre

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Expert preparation covering 100% of Security+ exam SY0-501 objectives

CompTIA Security+ Study Guide, Seventh Edition offers invaluable preparation for Exam SY0-501. Written by an expert author team, this book covers 100% of the exam objectives with clear, concise explanation. You'll learn how to handle threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities using industry-standard tools and technologies, while understanding the role of architecture and design. From everyday tasks like identity and access management to complex topics like risk management and cryptography, this study guide helps you consolidate your knowledge base in preparation for the Security+ exam. Practical examples illustrate how these processes play out in real-world scenarios, allowing you to immediately translate essential concepts to on-the-job application. You also gain access to the Sybex online learning environment, which features a robust toolkit for more thorough prep: flashcards, glossary of key terms, practice questions, and a pre-assessment exam equip you with everything you need to enter the exam confident in your skill set.

This study guide is approved and endorsed by CompTIA, and has been fully updated to align with the latest version of the exam.

  • Master essential security technologies, tools, and tasks
  • Understand how Security+ concepts are applied in the real world
  • Study on the go with electronic flashcards and more
  • Test your knowledge along the way with hundreds of practice questions

To an employer, the CompTIA Security+ certification proves that you have the knowledge base and skill set to secure applications, devices, and networks; analyze and respond to threats; participate in risk mitigation, and so much more. As data threats loom larger every day, the demand for qualified security professionals will only continue to grow. If you're ready to take the first step toward a rewarding career, CompTIA Security+ Study Guide, Seventh Edition is the ideal companion for thorough exam preparation.

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