Design of Steel Structures
eBook - ePub

Design of Steel Structures

Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings

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eBook - ePub

Design of Steel Structures

Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings

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À propos de ce livre

This book introduces the design concept of Eurocode 3 for steel structures in building construction, and their practical application. It especially comments on the regulations of the british National Annexes.

Following a discussion of the basis of design, including the limit state approach, the material standards and their use are detailed. The fundamentals of structural analysis and modeling are presented, followed by the design criteria and approaches for various types of structural members. The following chapters expand on the principles and applications of elastic and plastic design, each exemplified by the step-by-step design calculation of a braced steel-framed building and an industrial building, respectively.

Besides providing the necessary theoretical concepts for a good understanding, this manual intends to be a supporting tool for the use of practicing engineers. In order of this purpose, throughout the book, numerous worked examples are provided, concerning the analysis of steel structures and the design of elements under several types of actions. These examples will provide for a smooth transition from earlier national codes to the Eurocode.

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Ernst & Sohn

Chapter 1


Steel construction combines a number of unique features that make it an ideal solution for many applications in the construction industry. Steel provides unbeatable speed of construction and off-site fabrication, thereby reducing the financial risks associated with site-dependent delays. The inherent properties of steel allow much greater freedom at the conceptual design phase, thereby helping to achieve greater flexibility and quality. In particular, steel construction, with its high strength to weight ratio, maximizes the useable area of a structure and minimizes self-weight, again resulting in cost savings. Recycling and reuse of steel also mean that steel construction is well-placed to contribute towards reduction of the environmental impacts of the construction sector (SimÔes da Silva, 2005).
The construction industry is currently facing its biggest transformation as a direct result of the accelerated changes that society is experiencing. Globalisation and increasing competition are forcing the construction industry to abandon its traditional practices and intensive labour characteristics and to adopt industrial practices typical of manufacturing. This further enhances the attractiveness of steel construction.
All these advantages can only be achieved with sound technical knowledge of all the stages in the life-cycle of the construction process (from design, construction and operation to final dismantling). The objective of the ECCS Eurocode Design Manuals is to provide design guidance on the use of the Eurocodes through a “light” overview of the theoretical background together with an explanation of the code’s provisions, supported by detailed, practical design examples based on real structures. Each volume addresses a specific part of the Eurocodes relevant for steel construction.
This inaugural volume of the ECCS Eurocode Design Manuals addresses the Design of Steel Structures in terms of the General Rules and Rules for Buildings, covering all the topics of Part 1-1 of Eurocode 3 (CEN, 2005a), abbreviated in this book to EC3-1-1. These range from structural analysis of skeletal structures to design of members and components. More specifically, chapter 1 of this manual introduces general aspects such as the basis of design, material properties and geometric characteristics and tolerances, corresponding to chapters 1 to 4 and chapter 7 of EN 1993-1-1. It highlights the important topics that are required in the design of steel structures. Structural analysis is discussed in chapter 2, including structural modelling, global analysis and classification of cross sections, covering chapter 5 of EN 1993-1-1. The design of steel members subjected to various types of internal force (tension, bending and shear, compression and torsion) and their combinations is described in chapter 3, corresponding to chapter 6 of EN 1993-1-1. Chapter 4 presents the design of steel structures using 3D elastic analysis based on the case study of a real building. Finally, chapter 5 discusses plastic design, using a pitched-roof industrial building to exemplify all relevant aspects.
The design examples are chosen from real design cases. Two complete design examples are presented: i) a braced steel-framed building and ii) a pitched-roof industrial building. The chosen design approach tries to reproduce, as much as possible, real design practice instead of more academic approaches that often only deal with parts of the design process. This means that the design examples start by quantifying the actions. They then progress in a detailed step-by-step manner to global analysis and individual member verifications. The design tools currently available and adopted in most design offices are based on software for 3D analysis. Consequently, the design example for multi-storey buildings is analysed as a 3D structure, all subsequent check...

Table des matiĂšres