
Guerilla Marketing

Guerilla marketing is a non-traditional, unconventional approach to marketing that relies on creativity, imagination, and low-cost strategies to promote a product or service. It often involves surprise, humor, and a high level of engagement to create a memorable impact on the target audience. Guerilla marketing campaigns are designed to generate buzz and word-of-mouth through unconventional and unexpected means.

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8 Key excerpts on "Guerilla Marketing"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • Nontraditional Media in Marketing and Advertising

    ...3 Guerrilla Marketing G uerrilla marketing engages and often interacts with the target audience through innovative advertising and promotional public events, online, and even in some unusual guises and locations. This chapter defines how marketers should view Guerilla Marketing as a valuable outlet for reaching their intended target, describes how this type of marketing works, and outlines some of the possible pitfalls of using guerrilla marketing without thorough planning and research. Guerrilla Marketing Personalizes the Brand George Bernard Shaw once wrote, “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man” (Shaw, 1903). Guerrilla marketing techniques accomplish the unreasonable; they entice consumers to stop, and to interact with the advertising. Jay Conrad Levinson popularized the term guerrilla marketing in his 1984 book, Guerilla Marketing. The term may be defined as tactics that surprise in an unexpected way for less cost than traditional advertising tactics. Levinson conceived guerrilla marketing as a creative and inexpensive way for small business owners to compete against larger competitors offering immediate consumer feedback (Levinson, 2001). Guerrilla marketing, also known as ambient or experiential marketing, is a grassroots form of promotion that is successful because of its nontraditional use of space and often unorthodox staging of events, successfully maximizing exposure using minimal resources. The events involved in this type of marketing are often so unusual that they can capture an enormous audience. Successful events are often interactive and surprising, and always engaging, before revealing their true purpose—advertising. The overall goal of guerrilla marketing is to capture attention using promotional tactics that are meant to entertain the target rather than deliver a hard sell advertising message...

  • Guerrilla Marketing
    eBook - ePub

    Guerrilla Marketing

    Advertising and Marketing Definitions, Ideas, Tactics, Examples, and Campaigns to Inspire Your Business Success

    ...Guerrilla Marketing was introduced to the world in a same-titled book by Jay Conrad Levinson, written in 1984, as an unconventional system of marketing that relies on time, energy, imagination, and information rather than a big marketing budget. Guerrilla Marketing Calendar The way Guerrilla marketers track their efforts and take their successes and move them forward into the next year. Equally, it’s the way to ensure that they’re not continuing to do what is not working. Guerrilla Marketing Plan An amazingly simple plan focused on a core idea that always comes before you engage in any marketing tactics, which makes your Guerrilla Marketing focused, impactful, consistent, compelling, engaging, and profitable. Guerrilla Public Relations A low-cost method of garnering high-quality exposure for your business by building strong collaborative relationships with leading people. Hot Leads The prospects that have opted into your quiz or survey and provided information, downloaded your ebook or white paper, or requested your updates/newsletter. Identity Your business identity defines what your business is about and how you go about doing your business. Impressions The number of people who have seen (or had the opportunity to see) your ad plus how many times they have seen it. Indirect Promotions If your business or product requires educating your prospects or promoting your know-how, consider promoting your podcast or free ebook or download to build your awareness and establish yourself as an authority on a topic. Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing can be an effective means of paid advertising for Guerrilla marketers...

  • Guerrilla Marketing
    eBook - ePub

    Guerrilla Marketing

    Advertising and Marketing Definitions, Ideas, Tactics, Examples, and Campaigns to Inspire Your Business Success

    ...They knew they had the knowledge and skills to pivot, execute, and succeed. It’s been said that necessity is the mother of invention, and by pivoting, you can find solutions. Alternately, when you look at any industry, you’ll typically see several successful businesses leading the way. Those successful leading businesses are different from one another. They have different names, logos, USPs, marketing, advertising, and so on. There are many ways to achieve success. There isn’t one right way, making every other way “wrong.” There will always be unexpected things that happen, and your resilience will show you the way to turn that unexpected event or circumstance into a successful opportunity. See Section 9.26, “Resilience,” for more information. Unconventional A Guerrilla business owner seeks conventional goals, such as profits and joy, but achieves them using unconventional and creative means. Guerrilla Marketing is a strategy in which low-cost unconventional means are utilized to convey or promote a product or an idea. Those unconventional means are fueled by knowledge, time, energy, and imagination, and they compel your prospects to notice your business. Once they do, your call to action must then motivate them to take a desired action (e.g., download an ebook, make a purchase, etc.). Your existing customers also need to be motivated to make repeat purchases and precious referrals of their friends, family, and associates. Guerrilla marketers thrive on the nontraditional, and they do the unconventional if the conventional is nonsensical. They know the real name of the game is enjoying the journey to success, which is the best of all goals...

  • Guerrilla Marketing, 4th Edition
    eBook - ePub

    Guerrilla Marketing, 4th Edition

    Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your SmallBusiness

    • Jay Conrad Levinson(Author)
    • 2007(Publication Date)
    • Harper Business

    ...Guerrilla marketing demands that you scrutinize each of these marketing methods, and a lot more, and then use the combination that is best suited to your business. Once you’ve launched your guerrilla marketing plan, keep track of which weapons are hitting your target and which are missing. Merely knowing can double the effectiveness of your marketing budget. No advertising agencies specialize in guerrilla marketing. When I worked as a senior executive at some of the world’s largest (and smallest) advertising agencies, I found that the agencies didn’t have a clue as to what advertising or marketing tactics make an entrepreneur successful. They could help the big guys but were helpless without the bulging muscles of big bucks. So where can you turn to for help? The first place is Guerrilla Marketing. Next, take advantage of your own ingenuity and energy. And finally, you will probably have to seek the advice of a marketing or advertising professional in the areas where guerrilla marketing overlaps traditional marketing. But don’t expect the pros to be as tough in the trenches as you are. Most likely, they operate best from high in a posh skyscraper. Guerrilla marketing requires you to comprehend every facet of marketing, experiment with many of them, winnow out the losers, double up on the winners, and then use the marketing tactics that prove themselves to you in the battleground of real life. Guerrilla marketing involves recognizing the myriad opportunities out there and exploiting every one of them. In the marketing of any product, problems are certain to arise. Solve these problems, and continue to look for new problems to solve—problems of prospects and customers. Businesses that solve problems have a greater chance of success than those that don’t. Today, with time becoming recognized as even more important than money, businesses that save time for people will flourish...

  • Guerrilla Marketing for Writers
    eBook - ePub

    Guerrilla Marketing for Writers

    100 No-Cost, Low-Cost Weapons for Selling Your Work

    • Jay Conrad Levinson, Rick Frishman, Michael Larsen, David L. Hancock(Authors)
    • 2010(Publication Date)

    ...PART I GUERRILLA MARKETING: THE RIGHT IDEA AT THE RIGHT TIME CHAPTER 1 WHY YOU HAVE TO BE A GUERRILLA MARKETER The book didn’t sell because I didn’t promote it. —THE MOST VISIBLE HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET (President Bill Clinton, author of Between Hope and History. Meeting America’s Challenges for the 21st Century) The United States is in the midst of an entrepreneurial explosion, one of the most hopeful signs for the country’s future. As an author, you are an entrepreneur. Every book you write is a separate enterprise with its own fate and its own reckoning that balances income against expenditures. For guerrillas, the only business criterion that counts is profits. Marketing is anything done to sell a product or service and maintain relationships with the people who make the business possible. Fortune 500 companies spend millions to market their products. But like most entrepreneurs, authors don’t have millions to spend. They have to be guerrilla marketers. They have to use unconventional weapons and tactics that substitute time, energy, and imagination for money. That is the essence of guerrilla marketing. THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GORILLAS AND GUERRILLAS What are the characteristics of guerrilla marketing as opposed to traditional marketing? Guerrilla marketing differs in twelve ways: Traditional marketing uses as big a budget as possible; guerrilla marketing substitutes time, energy, and imagination for money. Traditional marketing is geared to big businesses; guerrilla marketing, to owners of small businesses with a big dream but not a big bankroll. Traditional marketing measures effectiveness with sales; guerrilla marketing, with profits. Traditional marketing is based on experience and then judgment that involves guesswork. Guerrilla marketing is based on psychology—the laws of human behavior that determine buying patterns. Traditional marketing recommends that businesses increase their production and then diversify by offering allied products and services...

  • Guerrilla Marketing on the Front Lines
    eBook - ePub

    Guerrilla Marketing on the Front Lines

    35 World-Class Strategies to Send Your Profits Soaring

    ...P ART F IVE Innovative Guerrilla Tactics Guerrilla Marketing is not “business in a box,” where you simply follow the formula, one, two, three, and presto, you have a successful business. One of the hallmarks of Guerrilla Marketing is the “100 Guerrilla Marketing weapons,” and a good Guerrilla Marketer learns how to use a variety of weapons based on what the individual markets need and want. So if you haven’t already done it, fasten your seatbelts now because you’re going to learn how eight world-class Guerrilla Marketing coaches have taken high impact marketing strategies to turn visitors into prospects, prospects into customers, and customers into raving fans. C HAPTER 19 THE GUERRILLA INVITATION The Most Effective Marketing Strategy on the Planet Michael Port “Unlike simply selling what we make, ‘free’ requires creative thinking about how to make money around what we make.” ~Chris Anderson, editor of Wired Magazine A ll sales start with a simple conversation. It may be a conversation between you and a potential client or customer, between one of your clients and a potential referral, or between one of your colleagues and a potential referral. An effective sales cycle is based on turning these simple conversations into relationships of trust with your potential clients over time. We know that people buy from those they like and trust. But as Sir Winston Churchill once said, “It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.” If you don’t have trust with your clients or customers, then it doesn’t matter how well you’ve planned, what you’re offering, or whether or not you’ve created a wide variety of buying options to meet varying budgets. If a potential client doesn’t trust you, nothing else matters. They aren’t going to buy from you—period. If you think about it, this may be one of the main reasons that so many well-intentioned, decent people say they hate marketing and selling...

  • Guerrilla Marketing
    eBook - ePub

    Guerrilla Marketing

    Counterinsurgency and Capitalism in Colombia

    ...Neither negation is neutral, nor is their entanglement haphazard. To the contrary, I would like to suggest that in this double negation there lies a key to understanding the state of the relationship between war and capitalism in the early twenty-first century. Enter the double meaning of this book’s title, guerrilla marketing, which in business parlance is code for a bundle of tactics, most of which seek to invisibilize the sales pitch. 58 Tom Himpe, an advertising intellectual, describes this tendency as “advertising that blends in seamlessly with real entertainment, real events or real life to the extent that it is not possible to tell what is advertising and what is not.” 59 Drawing upon the legacy of guerrilla warfare as articulated by Che Guevara and Mao Zedong, guerrilla marketing draws its strength from camouflage. 60 But marketing’s camouflage aspires not merely to blend into the background but to act upon it. Branding, I argue, operates as an activist form of camouflage that seeks to subtly transform the environment. As an instrument of total mobilization, brands have proved to be modular weapons of productive persuasion, from the black flag of ISIS and its calls to mobilize individuals alienated from the West to a real estate mogul’s use of brand strategies to bluster his way to the White House. As an emergent phenomenon of extraordinary political consequence, brand warfare is ripe for critical analysis. The appropriation of brands for military confrontation is a logical consequence of their role in the increasingly bellicose competition for market share. Brands exist to protect companies from the damaging effects of war—price war. As the law of supply and demand dictates, competition drives down price in a process known as commoditization...

  • Guerrilla Facebook Marketing
    eBook - ePub

    Guerrilla Facebook Marketing

    25 Target Specific Weapons to Boost Your Social Media Marketing

    ...We can see how there’s going to be plenty of positive side-effects, such as a boom in fusion marketing. To fuse is to focus on cooperation rather than competition. For example, while at the supermarket, you receive discount coupons for lunchtime specials to the diner next door. While attributes are features or qualities that are regarded as characteristics of Facebook, attitudes can be viewed as winning strategies that guerrillas adopt to drive their marketing attacks. Here’s our list of ten attitudes guerrilla Facebook marketers to be aware of: Attitudes of Guerrilla Facebook Marketers 1. Sincere. Guerrillas know that to engage in authentic conversations is to be sincere about engaging and connecting with their customers. Although guerrillas measure success in terms of net profits, they generate those profits by deploying relationship-building strategies such as providing advice or helping to build trust with their Facebook Fans. Sincerity is an integral part of a guerrilla’s Facebook marketing process. They genuinely want to know what their customers want in order to provide it for them. So they rely less on market research and more on personal contact they get on Facebook from their fans. Without sincerity, guerrillas know that their emails will stink like spam. 2. Creative. Guerrillas need creativity to generate new content. From time to time, they could resort to rehashing content from elsewhere (such as from existing blogs or corporate websites), but from time to time, they will still need batches of fresh, creative and new content. They also need to be creative when it comes to managing negative feedback, or tackling new technologies and changes that would come their way in Facebook land. 3. Patient. Guerrillas are aware that customers desire relationships, but relationships do not happen overnight, and there is a need to keep the attack going. Plus, some customers have been stung before, and they don’t want to be stung again...