eBook - ePub


How to Speak and Write It

Joseph Lemaître

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  1. 416 pagine
  2. English
  3. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
  4. Disponibile su iOS e Android
eBook - ePub


How to Speak and Write It

Joseph Lemaître

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Informazioni sul libro

Probably the most delightful, useful, and comprehensive elementary book available for learning spoken and written French, either with or without a teacher. Working on the principle that a person learns more quickly by example then by rule, Lemaître has assembled colloquial French conversations on a variety of subjects, as well as grammar, vocabulary, and idiom studies. Index.

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Madame Roberts (la mére)
Madame Roberts (la pére)
The Roberts and Lesage Families
These are the people whose adventures in Paris and in the country, at home and in public, through the myriad incidents of daily life in France, you will follow during the present Course.
The families consist of:
Mr. Roberts (English) and his wife (French); her father and mother, M. and Mme Georges Lesage; her children Charles and Madeleine ; the Paul Lesages and their children, Georges and Lucie.
They are nice people, and we hope you will like them.
Madeleine (la fille)
Charles (la fils)
Monsieur Roberts est le père. Mme Roberts est la mère. Charles est le
1 ro-bairts ay le pair, mah-dahm ro-bairts ay lah mair. shahrl ay le
Mr. Roberts is the father. Mrs. Roberts is the mother. Charles is the
fils de Monsieur et de Madame Roberts. Madeleine est la fille de Monsieur
fees de m’s-y
ay de mah-dahm ro-bairts. mahd-lain ay lah feey de m’s-y
son of Mr. and (of) Mrs. Roberts. Madeleine is the daughter of Mr.
et de Madame Roberts. Monsieur et Madame Roberts sont les parents
ay de mah-dahm ro-bairts. m’s-y
ay mah-dahm ro-bairts soN lay pah-raN
and (of) Mrs. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are the parents
de Charles et de Madeleine. Charles et Madeleine sont les enfants de Monsieur et
de shahrl ay de mahd-lain. shahrl et mahd-lain soN lay-zaN-faN de m’s-y
of Charles and (of) Madeleine. Charles and Madeleine are the children of Mr. and
de Madame Roberts. Monsieur Georges Lesage est le père de Madame
de mah-dahm ro-bairts. m’s-y
zhorzh le-sahzh ay le pair de mah-dahm
(of) Mrs. Roberts. M. Georges Lesage is the father of Mrs.
Mme Paul Lesage (la tante)
Paul Lesage (l’oncle)
Monsieur Lesage (le grandécre)
Madame Lesage (la grand’mére)
Roberts. Il est le grand-père de Charles et de Madeleine. Madame Lesage
ro-bairts. ee-lay le graN-pair de shahrl ay de mahd-lain. mah-dahm le-sahzh
Roberts. He is the grandfather of Charles and (of) Madeleine. Mme Lesage
est leur grand’mère. Monsieur Paul Lesage est le frère de Mme Roberts.
ay l
r graN-mair. m’s-y
pol le-sahzh ay le frair de mah-dahm ro-bairts.
is their gr...

Indice dei contenuti