Networking for People Who Hate Networking
eBook - ePub

Networking for People Who Hate Networking

A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed, and the Underconnected

Devora Zack

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub

Networking for People Who Hate Networking

A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed, and the Underconnected

Devora Zack

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Shows how the networking-averse can succeed by working with the very traits that make them hate traditional networkingWritten by a proud introvert who is also an enthusiastic networkerIncludes field-tested tips and techniques for virtually any situation Are you the kind of person who would rather get a root canal than face a group of strangers? Does the phrase "working a room" make you want to retreat to yours? Does traditional networking advice seem like it's in a foreign language?Devora Zack, an avowed introvert and a successful consultant who speaks to thousands of people every year, feels your pain. She found that most networking advice books assume that to succeed you have to become an outgoing, extraverted person. Or at least learn how to fake it. Not at all. There is another way.This book shatters stereotypes about people who dislike networking. They're not shy or misanthropic. Rather, they tend to be reflective—they think before they talk. They focus intensely on a few things rather than broadly on a lot of things. And they need time alone to recharge. Because they've been told networking is all about small talk, big numbers and constant contact, they assume it's not for them.But it is! Zack politely examines and then smashes to tiny fragments the "dusty old rules" of standard networking advice. She shows how the very traits that ordinarily make people networking-averse can be harnessed to forge an approach that is just as effective as more traditional approaches, if not better. And she applies it to all kinds of situations, not just formal networking events. After all, as she says, life is just one big networking opportunity—a notion readers can now embrace.Networking enables you to accomplish the things that are important to you. But you can't adopt a style that goes against who you are—and you don't have to. "I have never met a person who did not benefit tremendously from learning how to network—on his or her own terms", Zack writes. "You do not succeed by denying your natural temperament; you succeed by working with your strengths."

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Ability vs. preference, 104
acceptance, networking opportunities, 96
action bingo, 138
activity, networking preferences for extroverts, 36
airplane anecdotes, 118–121
ally, attending networking event with, 62
appearance, checking prior to networking event, 63
approachability, at networking events, 65
arm folding exercise, 82–84
“as if” reframes exercise, 129–131
assessment, 11–19
interconnectivity, 19
mental elasticity, 12–13
Notes From the Field: breakfast networking, 12
reactions to results, 17–18
strength of preference, 16–19
Take Action! personal inventory to thrive, 90–93
temperament questionnaire, 14–15
associations, name recollection, 140
attending network events, forcing yourself, 60–70
attention, name recollection, 140
attire for networking event, 61–63, 65
auditorhy approach to name recollection, 141


balanced approach to life, as outcome goals element, 149
behavior. See also specific networking behaviors and choices.
behaving out of type, platinum rule, 81–86
of lively introverts, 135
Take Action! “as if” reframes, 129–131
bingo, 138
Blink: The Power of
Thinking Without
Thinking (Gladwell), 103
brainstorming, 134–135
breakfast networking, 12
breaks for recharging, at networking events, 66–67
breath, checking prior to networking event, 63
business cards, 64, 67
business travel, 117–131
airplane anecdotes, 118–121
Notes From the Field: e-mail, 119
Notes From the Field: lunch, 122
pace, 124–125
pause, 118–122
planning for I-time, 122–124
process, 122–124
reframing, 124
Take Action! “as if” reframes, 129–131
Take Action! making conversation, 125–129


calibration, 114
calm, networking preferences for introverts, 36
catastrophic thinking, 40–41
centroverts. See also sparkling new rules for networking; specific topics.
assessment of preference, 14–19
behaviors of, 23
defined, 16
classes networking opportunities, 95
silence in, Notes From the Field, 52
clothing and attire for networking event, 61–63, 65
cognitive dissonance, name recollection, 142–143
colleague, attending networking event with, 62
collecting others, as extrovert approach, 36, 50–51
comfort zone, for introverts, 27–29
comments, making conversation, 128
companion, attending networking event with, 62
connecting with others fo...

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