Creative Research Methods in the Social Sciences
eBook - ePub

Creative Research Methods in the Social Sciences

A Practical Guide

Kara, Helen

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub

Creative Research Methods in the Social Sciences

A Practical Guide

Kara, Helen

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With foreword by Kenneth J. Gergen and Mary M. Gergen. Creative research methods can help to answer complex contemporary questions, which are hard to answer using traditional methods alone. Creative methods can also be more ethical, helping researchers to address social injustice. This accessible book is the first to identify and examine the four areas of creative research methods: arts-based research, research using technology, mixed-method research and transformative research frameworks. Written in a practical and jargon-free style, with over 100 boxed examples, it offers numerous examples of creative methods in practice, from the social sciences, arts, and humanities around the world. Spanning the gulf between academia and practice, this useful book will inform and inspire researchers by showing readers why, when, and how to use creative methods in their research.

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