Mother Figured
eBook - ePub

Mother Figured

Marian Apparitions and the Making of a Filipino Universal

Deirdre de la Cruz

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eBook - ePub

Mother Figured

Marian Apparitions and the Making of a Filipino Universal

Deirdre de la Cruz

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There is no female religious figure so widely known and revered as the Virgin Mary. Mary has inspired in cultures around the world a deep devotion, a desire to emulate her virtue, and a strong belief in her power. Perhaps no population has been so deeply affected by this maternal figure as Filipino Catholics, whose apparitions of Mary have increased in response to recent events, drawing from a broad repertoire of the Catholic supernatural and pulling attention to new articulations of Christianity in the Global South.In Mother Figured, historical anthropologist Deirdre de la Cruz offers a detailed examination of several appearances and miracles of the Virgin Mary in the Philippines from materials and sites ranging from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. By analyzing the effects of the mass media on the perception and proliferation of apparition phenomena, de la Cruz charts the intriguing emergence of new voices in the Philippines that are broadcasting Marian discourse globally. Based on two years of ethnographic fieldwork and hitherto unexplored archives in the Philippines, the United States, and Spain, Mother Figured documents the conditions of Marian devotion's modern development and tracks how it has transformed Filipinos' social and political role within the greater Catholic world.

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ABC (newspaper, Spain), 135
abstraction, as quality of religious images, 6, 51
Abu Sayyaf, 215
Academia de Dibujo y Pintura, 49
acheiropoietos, 131–32, 136
activism, lay, 21
Advocate, Mary as, 149, 211. See also fifth Marian dogma
Agatep, Charlie T., 163, 263n19
agency, 8–9, 11, 16, 194, 224–25
Age of Mary, 7
“Age of the World Picture, The” (Heidegger), 259n54, 267n4
Aglipay, Gregorio, 59, 75, 242n4, 246n47, 247n50; Novenario de la Patria, 59–60, 74–79, 247n51. See also Iglesia Filipina Independiente (Philippine Independent Church)
Agoo, apparition at (“Agoo Apparition”), 1–5
Akita, Our Lady of (Japan), 26, 190
Aladel, M., 8, 229n19
Al Jazeera, 185–86
All Nations, Our Lady of, 190, 207, 215, 267n3
Alto Broadcasting System (ABS), 163
America (United States of). See United States
American Bible Society, 236n47
Anderson, Benedict: Imagined Communities, 56–57, 245n42; The Spectre of Comparisons, 56–58; Under Three Flags, 246n45
Ang Buhok ni Ester (Tolentino), 69
anthropology of Christianity, 15, 228n14
anticommunism and Catholicism, 105, 125, 137–38, 157, 174, 184, 194, 257n15, 258n16. See also Family Rosary Crusade
Antipolo, Our Lady of (Philippines), 210
Annunciation, 198, 225, 269n25
apocrypha, 88
Apolito, Paolo, 222, 257n1
apostasy, 44
Apostles’ Creed, 158, 262n6
Apparition Hill. See Agoo, apparition at
apparitions: and Catholic Church, 3–4, 7, 38–39, 52, 86–87, 106–15, 130–31, 137–38, 144–52, 199, 254n89, 260n75, 270n31; changing appearances of, 5, 9–10, 48–49; colonia...

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