Mbeki and After
eBook - ePub

Mbeki and After

Reflections On The Legacy Of Thabo Mbeki

Richard Calland, Jane Duncan, Steven Friedman, Mark Gevisser, Daryl Glaser, Mark Heywood, Peter Hudson, Chris Landsberg, Eusebius McKaiser, Chris Oxtoby, Peter Vale, Daryl Glaser

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub

Mbeki and After

Reflections On The Legacy Of Thabo Mbeki

Richard Calland, Jane Duncan, Steven Friedman, Mark Gevisser, Daryl Glaser, Mark Heywood, Peter Hudson, Chris Landsberg, Eusebius McKaiser, Chris Oxtoby, Peter Vale, Daryl Glaser

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For nearly ten years – indeed more if we include his period of influence under Mandela's presidency – Thabo Mbeki bestrode South Africa's political stage. Despite attempts by some in the new ANC leadership to airbrush out his role, there can be little doubt that Mbeki was a seminal figure in South Africa's new democracy, one who left a huge mark in many fields, perhaps most controversially in state and party management, economic policy, public health intervention, foreign affairs and race relations. If we wish to understand the character and fate of post-1994 South Africa, we must therefore ask: What kind of political system, economy and society has the former President bequeathed to the government of Jacob Zuma and to the citizens of South Africa generally? This question is addressed head-on here by a diverse range of analysts, commentators and participants in the political process. Amongst the specific questions they seek to answer: What is Mbeki's legacy for patterns of inclusion and exclusion based on race, class and gender? How, if at all, did his presidency reshape relations within the state, between the state and the ruling party and between the state and society? How did he reposition South Africa on the continent and in the world? This book will be of interest to anyone wishing to understand the current political landscape in South Africa, and Mbeki's role in shaping it.

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This index lists names and subjects mentioned in the text.
Abbreviations: TM - Thabo Mbeki; JZ - Jacob Zuma.
Compiled by Marthina Mössmer
Abacha, Sani 32, 258
Abahlali Base Mjondolo 118, 120, 124, 270
access to information 77, 88, 145-146, 155
accountability 77, 252 of elected officials 132, 133, 149, 268
Achmat, Zackie 148
Cross-boundary Municipalities Act 113
Executive Members Ethics Act 78
Medicines Act 140
Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) 77, 146
Regulation of Gatherings Act (RGA) 110-120, 121, 125-126
affirmative action 16, 19, 26, 29, 56, 168
African Agenda 223, 232, 234, 235, 240
African National Congress (ANC)
48th National Conference (1991)
and Africanism 12
AIDS denialists in 141
authoritarianism in 13
centralism in 4, 15, 176, 260
and criticism 176
discontent within 60
dominance of 132-133
during Cold War 244
early policy of 167
elitism within 181
ideology 153
in exile 32, 260
Mafikeng Conference (1997) 8, 79, 101
and mass popular support 136
partisanship 16
Polokwane Conference (2007) 6, 8, 14, 33, 91, 92, 179
propaganda 134
and proportional representation 133, 136-137
top-down management style in 13, 22-23, 22, 246, 260
vanguard role of 136-137
and Virodene 145
and white opinion 167-168
and ZANU-PF 255-256
African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) 58, 221-222
African Renaissance 10, 54, 134, 213, 217, 220, 224, 251-253, 260
African Renais...

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