South of the Clouds
eBook - ePub

South of the Clouds

Tales from Yunnan

Lucien Miller, Guo Xu, Lucien Miller, Xu Kun, Lucien Miller

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  1. 342 pagine
  2. English
  3. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
  4. Disponibile su iOS e Android
eBook - ePub

South of the Clouds

Tales from Yunnan

Lucien Miller, Guo Xu, Lucien Miller, Xu Kun, Lucien Miller

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Informazioni sul libro

The tales included here represent all of Yunnan Province's officially designated ethnic minorities, and include creation myths, romances, historical legends, tales explaining natural phenomena, ghost stories, and festival tales. The tales are peopled by memorable characters, such as the Tibetan mother who, reborn as a cow, comforts and helps her daughter into her harsh life as a slave girl; the two Kucong sisters who marry snakes; and the bodiless Lahu "head-baby" who grows up to win one of the earth-god Poyana's daughters in marriage. Chosen for their representativeness, aesthetic appeal, and variety, the stories provide rich examples of the folk traditions of Southwest China. South of the Clouds includes introductions and an appendix which describe the places and people of Yunnan, analyzethe literary and psychological characteristics of their stories, give the sources of the tales, and explain the methodolgy of collecting folk literature in China.

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Achang minority 阿昌族
Aduma 阿域麻
Ahli 阿里
Aika 爱卡
Ailao Mountains 衷字山
Ailuobuwo 艾洛卜我
Aiqing chuanshuo gushi xuan 爱情传说故事选
akajiema 阿卡解麻
alima 阿里麻
Along (clan) 阿龙
Amoyaobu 阿摩遥补
Apierer (Api’e’e) 阿匹额额
Apo 阿颇
Atilaba 阿提拉八
Awa (princess) 阿姓
Awa Mountain 阿仇山
Ayidan 阿一旦
“Ayidan gushi wuze” 阿一旦故事五则
Azhamana 阿扎玛挪
azhu 河注
“Ba longxu” 提先须
baba 把把
Bachi, Mount 色赤山
Bada 巴达
Bai minority 白族
baihua 白话
Baiman 白蛮
Bangao 板告
“Bao biandan” 宝扁担
“Baodeng” 宝钉
bawu 把乌
Bazhen 巴珍
Beipan River 北盘江
“Benfen ren he jiaohua ren” 本份人和校猜人
Benglong minority 崩龙族
benzhu 本主
“Bianfu” 编福
Bi’enmuxi 比恩木西
Biluoxue Mountain 碧罗雪山
bimo 毕摩
binbai 宾摆
Bing Xin 冰心
Bisuni 毕苏说
blang (bulan, spirit) 布兰
Blang (Bulang) minority 布朗族
Blang (Bulang) Mountain 布郎山
Bo’aiwen 波岩温
Bojie 柏节
Bu Song 卜松
Bubo 布伯
“Bubo de gushi” 布侦的故事
bulan. See blang (spirit)
Bulang minority. See Blang minority
“Bulang shaonian” 布郎少年
bulei 不全
Buluotuo 布洛陀
Buyi minority 布依族
“Caihong” 彩虹
Cang Mountains 茶山
Cangyuan Mountain 论源山
Cao Ge 曾格
Cen Laoliang 各老莱
Cen Yuqing 各玉清
chahua 茶花
Chen Guipei 陈貴培
Chen Lufan 陈吕范
Chen Rongxiang 陈荣祥
Chengdu 成都
Chengjiang Sea 澄江海
chi xingu shuo jiuhua 吃新谷说旧话
Chiang Yee 蒋抬
Chicken Claw Mountain 鸡足山
Chongzibian 沖子速
“Chuangshi shenhua liuze” 创世神话六则

Indice dei contenuti