Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Vehicles, HVTT10
eBook - ePub

Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Vehicles, HVTT10

10th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transportation Technologies

Bernard Jacob, Paul Nordengen, Alan O'Connor, Mohamed Bouteldja, Bernard Jacob, Paul Nordengen, Alan O'Connor, Mohamed Bouteldja

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eBook - ePub

Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Vehicles, HVTT10

10th International Symposium on Heavy Vehicle Transportation Technologies

Bernard Jacob, Paul Nordengen, Alan O'Connor, Mohamed Bouteldja, Bernard Jacob, Paul Nordengen, Alan O'Connor, Mohamed Bouteldja

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Über dieses Buch

This reference collects the latest information from the International Conference on Heavy Vehicles, specifically as it relates to Heavy Vehicle Transport Technology. Among the topics detailed are: interactions between heavy vehicles or trains and the infrastructure, environment and other system users; heavy vehicle and road management information-measurements, data quality, data management; freight mobility and safety; vehicle classification, size and weight evaluation, regulations, and enforcement; and traffic and road safety.

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Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées

The mission of the École des ponts is to advance and disseminate knowledge, in a national, European, and world-wide perspective:
– by training engineers and specialists on the master’s and doctorate levels, giving them a high level of scientific, technical and managerial skills, enabling them to hold leadership positions in the areas of equipment, planning, construction, transports, the environment, industries and services,
– by promoting research and innovation,
– by making knowledge and innovative methods serve both the private and the public sector,
– by promoting critical thinking, professional competence, and citizenship.
Ecole des ponts trains both engineers and civil servant members of the State engineering corps (“Corps interministĂ©riel des Ponts et ChaussĂ©es”). The School was founded in 1747, under the supervision of Jean-Rodolphe Perronet, to provide specific training for State engineers in charge of maintaining and developing the royal roads network. In 1775, it finally took the name of “École nationale des ponts et chaussĂ©es”. In 1804 the School was organized as a school of instruction for students having attended the École polytechnique and wanting to enter the State engineering corps The first laboratory at the School was set up in 1831 (the current LCPC). Since 1997, the School has been located in Champs-sur- Marne, on the CitĂ© Descartes site, but is also maintaining its former Paris site, 28 rue des Saints-PĂšres (MBA, Master in public policy, IHEDATE, continuing education, associations).
Historically recognized for its engineering training, École des ponts has over the years changed into a more global training and research institution, attended yearly by 1,500 students and 8,000 continuing education trainees. The School is qualified to issue PhD degrees and more than one third of the students are from abroad.
Ecole des ponts has developed an activity of research and of training to research. It today hosts 10 research centres, working in partnership and representing some 250 permanent staff.
Since 1994, École des ponts has the status of an EPSCP (that is, a state-dependent institution for scientific, cultural, and professional purposes), under the authority of the French Ministry of Public Works.
École des ponts is a member of two research and training cluster: ParisTech network, bringing together ten of the foremost French institutes of engineering education, and UniversitĂ© Paris-Est.
École des ponts now has two subsidiaries:
– Ponts Formation Édition, a limited company whose role is to promote continuing education,
– ENPC School of international management manages and develops the Master of Business Administration (MBA of École des ponts), accredited by AMBA and other programmes in management.
Philippe Courtier
General Director


Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées

L’École des ponts a pour mission de faire progresser et diffuser les connaissances pour le bĂ©nĂ©fice de la nation, de l’Europe et du monde :
– en formant aux niveaux master et doctorat des ingĂ©nieurs et des spĂ©cialistes possĂ©dant des compĂ©tences scientifiques, techniques et managĂ©riales de haut niveau les rendant aptes Ă  exercer des fonctions de responsabilitĂ© dans les domaines de l’équipement, de l’amĂ©nagement, de la construction, des transports, de l’environnement, de l’industrie et des services,
– en dĂ©couvrant de nouvelles connaissances par la recherche
– en contribuant à l’innovation,
– en mettant ces connaissances au service des entreprises et des politiques publiques,
– en promouvant l’éthique de l’ingĂ©nieur, l’esprit critique, la crĂ©ativitĂ© scientifique et technique, l’esprit entrepreneurial, la compĂ©tence professionnelle et la citoyennetĂ©.
À ce titre, elle forme des ingĂ©nieurs du corps interministĂ©riel des Ponts et ChaussĂ©es et des ingĂ©nieurs civils. L’École a Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©e en 1747, en tant que formation spĂ©cifique des ingĂ©nieurs d’État chargĂ©s d’entretenir et dĂ©velopper le rĂ©seau royal des routes. Sa direction Ă©tait confiĂ©e Ă  Jean-Rodolphe Perronet. En 1775, elle prend dĂ©finitivement le nom d’École nationale des ponts et chaussĂ©es. Le dĂ©cret de 1804 dĂ©finit l’organisation de l’École en tant qu’école d’application ainsi que celle du corps des Ponts et ChaussĂ©es. Le premier laboratoire de l’École des ponts est crĂ©Ă© en 1831 (actuel LCPC). InstallĂ©e depuis 1997 principalement Ă  Champs-sur-Marne, sur le site de la CitĂ© Descartes, l’École a Ă©galement une implantation Ă  Paris au 28, rue des Saints-PĂšres (MBA, MAP, IHEDATE, formation continue, associations).
Historiquement rĂ©putĂ©e pour sa formation d’ingĂ©nieur, l’École des ponts s’est transformĂ©e au fil des ans en une entreprise globale de formation et de recherche frĂ©quentĂ©e chaque annĂ©e par plus de 1 500 Ă©tudiants et 8 000 stagiaires en formation continue. Elle est habilitĂ©e Ă  dĂ©livrer le doctorat et un tiers des Ă©tudiants est constituĂ© d’étrangers.
L’École des ponts a dĂ©veloppĂ© une activitĂ© de recherche et de formation par la recherche. Elle accueille aujourd’hui dix centres de recherche, partenaires qui regroupent 250 permanents.
Depuis 1994, l’École est un Ă©tablissement public Ă  caractĂšre scientifique, culturel et professionnel (EPSCP) placĂ© sous la tutelle du ministĂšre chargĂ© de l’Équipement.
L’École s’est dotĂ©e de deux filiales :
– Ponts Formation Édition, sociĂ©tĂ© anonyme Ă  conseil de surveillance et directoire, qui dĂ©veloppe les actions de formation continue,
– ENPC School of international management, sociĂ©tĂ© anonyme Ă  conseil de surveillance et directoire, qui gĂšre et dĂ©veloppe le MBA des ponts, accrĂ©ditĂ© par l’AMBA, et d’autres formations au management.
L’École des ponts s’inscrit dans plusieurs rĂ©seaux structurants :
– membre fondateur de ParisTech, PRES regroupant dix grandes Ă©coles d’ingĂ©nieurs de Paris,
– membre fondateur du PRES UniversitĂ© Paris-Est, aux cĂŽtĂ©s de l’universitĂ© Paris-Est Marne-la-VallĂ©e, de l’universitĂ© Paris12 Val de Marne, de l’ESIEE Paris et du Laboratoire central des ponts et chaussĂ©es.
– L’École des ponts s’inscrit dans le rĂ©seau scientifique et technique du ministĂšre de l’Écologie, du dĂ©veloppement et de l’amĂ©nagement durables (MEDAD).
Philippe Courtier
Directeur Général


Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées

The Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC), a public works research laboratory supported by the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Planning and on the Ministry of Research and Higher Education, is very honoured to organise the International Conference on Heavy Vehicles, HVParis2008. We do this jointly with the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC) on behalf of the International Forum for Road Transport Technology (IFRTT) and the International Society for Weigh-In-Motion (ISWIM).
LCPC carries out research work in civil engineering, roads, materials, structures, geotechnics and natural hazards, road safety and operation, and environmental engineering. LCPC has 600 employees plus 80 PhD students, and leads a national technical network which comprises 17 regional laboratories involved in the same scientific and technical domains. The organisation operates from two main sites: Paris and Nantes, and runs several large testing facilities, e.g. a structure testing platform, a large cable testing machine, a circular pavement fatigue test track and device, a skid resistance and full scale test track, and a centrifuge. LCPC is involved in European and international research projects, carries on surveys and provides consultancy services. It supports innovation, provides scientific information, regulations and standards. It is a founding institute of the Forum of European Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL).
LCPC has been involved in WIM activities for more than 20 years, initially for pavement design and maintenance purposes and bridge applications (assessment of bridge loading and development of the Eurocode for Traffic Loads on Road Bridges). Then it carried out research and development work at National and European levels to develop and improve WIM technologies to meet the overload detection and control requirements for the French Ministry of Transport (DGMT). LCPC chaired the COST323 action and led the WAVE project (4th Framework Programme (FP) of the European Commission), was involved in the REMOVE project (6th FP), and is currently leading a FEHRL cooperative project (FiWi).
LCPC is also carrying out research on heavy vehicles, e.g. the impacts on infrastructure and on road safety, heavy vehicle behaviour and interaction with the infrastructure and the environment. It was involved in the ITF/OECD/DIVINE project in the 90’s as an element leader, and then chaired a national PREDIT (Transportation Research and Study Programme) project on heavy vehicle safety (ARCOS2003 — theme 11), and is now involved in another PREDIT project VIF (Interactive heavy Vehicle of the Future) and a 6th FP project (Heavyroute). The expertise of LCPC in the heavy vehicles, road safety and infrastructure domains was recognised by the OECD/JTRC (Joint Transport Research Centre) when it appointed the organisation as a member of the Working Group on Heavy Vehicles Regulatory, Operational and Productivity Improvements.
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