The Ornamental Arts of Japan
eBook - ePub

The Ornamental Arts of Japan

George Ashdown Audsley

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  1. 64 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

The Ornamental Arts of Japan

George Ashdown Audsley

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Über dieses Buch

Japanese art was virtually unknown in the West until the middle of the nineteenth century, when the island nation emerged from 200 years of self-imposed isolation. A passion for Japanese culture swept Europe, and this landmark publication opened the eyes of the world to the grace and beauty of Japanese design.
George Ashdown Audsley, a leader in the revival of English decorative design and one of the first Britons to specialize in Japanese art, assembled this outstanding collection. Featuring 60 full-color plates, it offers spectacular examples of Japanese painting, printing, embroidery, lacquer work, and cloisonné as well as masterpieces in ivory and porcelain. Informative captions accompany each illustration. Art lovers, rare book collectors, and enthusiasts of Japanese culture will treasure this magnificent selection of timeless art.

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George Ashdown Audsley (1838—1925) had a passion for the arts. He was an architect, curator, lecturer, and art collector. Thanks to other collectors from England, France, and America, Audsley was able to assemble an impressive publication on Japanese design, The Ornamental Arts of Japan, which introduced the world to Japanese art. For this edition, we have selected sixty chromolithographs from this rare, late-nineteenth-century, two-volume set. The images have been arranged into eight categories: painting, embroidery, textile fabrics, lacquer, incrusted work, metal work, cloisonné enamel, and carving.
Takao, the courtesan of Yoshiwara; buff tinted paper with silk margins
and rich colored paint; Miyagawa Chosun.
Ofuku throwing beans at a demon (represents good fortune); Knkemollo painting;
silk-bordered paper and paint in transparent colors laid with large brushstrokes; Hokusai.
the Bodhisavatta of Benevolence, Fud
the Flame God, and Bishaman,
one of the Deva Kings; Kakemono painting; silk-bordered paper, gold, and paint.
Ori-han painting of monkeys in broad washes and penciling on e-ginu (picture silk) prepared with d
Ori-han painting of monkeys in broad washes and penciling on e-ginu (picture silk) prepared with d
Chirimen (crape silk) stained with gray tints; waterlines, duck, and plants are dyes; head, neck,
and tail feathers are stitched with green silk; embroidered feathers; Nishi Mura.
Crane on E-ginu ...
