The War of Quito, by Pedro de Cieza de León, and Inca Documents
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The War of Quito, by Pedro de Cieza de León, and Inca Documents

Sir Clements R. Markham, Sir Clements R. Markham

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  1. 260 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

The War of Quito, by Pedro de Cieza de León, and Inca Documents

Sir Clements R. Markham, Sir Clements R. Markham

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Über dieses Buch

Book III (1543-44) of Cieza's 'Civil Wars of Peru', translated and edited. The additional documents continue the narrative to c. 1568. For other sections of the same source, in volumes variously titled, see Second Series 42 and 54. Contents: Contents: Introductory note.-The war of Quito / Pedro de Cieza de Leon (LIII chapters), with notes.-Letter from the Bishop of Cuzco to the King.-Indictment of the judges against the Viceroy. Sequel [by the editor]-Letter from Carbajal to Gonzalo Pizarro.-Gasca's voyage.-Murder of the Inca Manco narrated by his son.-Mission of Figueroa to the Inca.-Note on Molina.-Index This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1913.

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Abancay, artillery placed in, 101
Acosta, Juan de, in command of troops, 155;
career of, 155(n).
Acuña, Doña Brianda de, wife of the Viceroy, 115, 115(n).
Aguero, Diego de, Captain, appointed to meet the Viceroy, 16;
career of, 16(n.), 17(n.) ;
receives despatches from the Viceroy, 17;
sets out for the city of Truxillo, 22, 23;
informs the Viceroy of events in Lima, 45;
returns to the municipality of Lima, 54;
takes part in receiving the Viceroy, 56, 57
Alamos, Diego Maldonado de, signs the document appointing Gonzalo Pizarro Chief Justice, 68, 69
Aldana, Lorenzo de, Captain, writes to the Viceroy, 74, 75;
career and death of, 74(n.) ;
goes to see the Viceroy, 86;
his imprisonment on board a ship, 86, 145;
released, 86
Alexander, King of Greece, account of his treatment of Parmenion, 84, 84(n).
Almagro, Diego de, supporters of, favoured by the Viceroy, 18;
defeated by Vaca de Castro at Chupas, 36
Almagro, Diego de, the lad, 23, 124, 178(n).
Almao, Luis de, a servant of Gonzalo Pizarro, 35
Almendras, Diego de, joins Gonzalo Pizarro, 41
Almendras, Francisco de, Captain, joins Gonzalo Pizarro, 40;
his career, 40(n.) ;
acts as witness to a proposal with regard to Gonzalo Pizarro, 67;
is sent to Guamanga for artillery, 79, 80, 81;
ordered to seize despatches, 101;
intercepts Francisco de Ampuero and Pero Lopez, 102;
his further treatment of them, 103, 104;
prevents Bishop Don Jeronimo de Loaysa from proceeding further on his mission, 108;
sent to Chuquisaca as Lieutenant of the Governor, 140(n.) ;
murder of, 156
Almendras, Martin de, joins Gonzalo Pizarro, 41
Altamirano, Antonio de, Alcalde, 8;
accompanies Vaca de Castro on his journey to the city of the Kings, 13;
career and death of, 13(n.) ;
in favour of Gonzalo Pizarro being made Chief Justice, 68;
leaves the meeting to avoid voting, 69;
but afterwards signs, 70;
named as Ensign General, 79
Alvarado, Alonso de, Captain, 111
Alvarado, Hernando de, Captain, sent to Truxillo, 111
Alvarez, the Licentiate, sails with Blasco Nuñez, 1(n.);
one of the four Judges appointed to carry out the new laws in Peru, 4(n.) ;
opposes the Viceroy, 7;
attends a meeting of Alcaldes and perpetual magistrates, 37;
summoned to meet the Viceroy, 94
Alzate, Simon de, Public Notary, goes with despatches, 90;
Captain Francisco de Almendras wishes him to be killed, 103, 104
Amaibamba, 171, 172, 173, 187, 188, 191, 196, 199
Amendariz, Diaz, Licentiate, Commissary General, 78
Ampuero, Francisco de, at the city of the Kings, 18;
takes part in receiving the Viceroy, 56, 57;
to accompany Pero Lopez to Cuzco, 89, 90;
his career, 89(n.), 90(n.) ;
arrives at Guamanga, 93;
intercepted by Francisco de Almendras, 102;
allowed to return, 104
Añaquito, 81, 98;
death of Blasco Nuñez at, 2;
Hernando Bachicao at, 13(n.) ;
the Licentiate Benito Suarez de Carbajal at, 26(n.) ;
Diego de Mora at, 34(n).
Anaya, Atilano de, 167
Andahuaylas, province of...
